The Winter solsticealso known as Yulemarks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It heralds the beginning of Capricorn season (on December 21) and astronomical winter. This solstice is a natural time for reflection and introspection and offers opportunities for rest, awareness and renewal.
Traditionally, the Winter Solstice celebrates the return of the Sun, as from this point on the calendar our days will gradually lengthen.
Ultimately, this will lead to global warming and the new growth of spring, but for now we have a chance to reflect on the past seasons, what we have let go, and how those shifts have affected us.
Winter Solstice is a time for introspection
This time of year brings a natural silence, a quiet contemplation that creates opportunities to acknowledge how we have grown, the changes we have made, the losses we have seen and the dreams that are alive within us.
To consider:
- What necessary transformations did Scorpio season bring?
- How have you embraced new fire and adventure in Sagittarius season?
- And now that Capricorn season is about to begin, what ambitions and goals are you willing to pursue?
You may find it helpful to look back at where you were at the Spring Equinox, the Summer Solstice, and the Fall Equinox, and reflect on what you were working through and what you recognized during those seasons.
How have you grown and changed since then? What have you learned?
Think about what makes this time of year illuminating: what you are invited to think about, to question, to imagine.
- What do you dream of?
- How have you already taken steps to realize your wishes and what opportunities arise?
- What desires are revealing themselves as the light of the sun becomes brighter and brighter?
This time of year doesn’t have to focus exclusively on performance, success or growth cycles: winter invites hibernation, rest and reflection and is not just about resting to strengthen ambition.
What do we learn about ourselves when we are quiet, still, and observant? What secret corners illuminate the sun’s lengthening rays? What mysteries do they reveal?
A tarot spread for the winter solstice

Our Winter Solstice spread focuses on revelation and reminds you to slow down, be present, and invite light, warmth, and joy.
By reflecting on the past, recognizing the pleasure in the present, and anticipating gifts in the future, we make room for contemplation, activation, and celebration.
When we intentionally step away from the movement and listen to the silent voices that live within us, new mysteries, desires and insights can reveal themselves.
I’m including a short sample reading with this spread so you can see how you can use this layout in your own rituals.
As always, keep in mind that these cards were not drawn for a specific person, situation, or challenge, but you may still find some resonance in the wisdom.

Card one: a lesson from the past
8 of cups
Tied to emotions and heart, the 8 of Cups is a card about leaving something behind, choosing yourself and being willing to start over.
Often this speaks of a toxic relationship or a circumstance that cannot be overcome – something that is broken beyond repair and that we have tried everything in our power to fix. By being willing to imagine a different way, by prioritizing our own healing and comfort over a destructive pattern, we open ourselves to new possibilities.
As a lesson from the past, this card speaks of a past choice that served us, a fork in the road in which we put ourselves first.
What conscious shifts have we made, and how has closing one door allowed others to open?
Card two: A joy in the present
Child of cups / Page of cups
Also known as the Page of Cups, this is a card of wonder and awe, seeing beauty in the world, trusting intuition and having faith in the self.
Another card in the suit of emotion is someone who is young and inexperienced, but with a powerful natural sense of artistry, connection and optimism. Pages often bring messages or speech in communication, and in this position of joy in the present, this figure urges us to celebrate the relationships we are forming and strengthening and to let our feelings flow freely.
There is so much potential all around us, and when we keep our hearts open, we are reminded that anything is possible.
Card three: a gift in the future
The hermit
Our first Major Arcana card of this reading, the Hermit, is an archetype of solitude, self-examination, and deep reflection. This is someone who has consciously chosen to step out of his routines and is now doing the hard work of internal questioning.
To consider:
- What choices have brought us to this point?
- How do we feel about what we build?
- What have we learned about ourselves, and what are we still trying to understand?
In this position of a future gift, the Hermit speaks of an opportunity to break our daily patterns and understand ourselves on a new level. Consciousness can bring powerful gifts and help us find new confidence, strength and courage.
Card four: Something to think about
2 cups
The third and final card from the series of emotions in this reading, the 2 of Cups, is often linked to new love or deepening relationships, and speaks of choices and possibilities in the area of the heart.
Romance and attraction are incredibly powerful forces, and bonds like friendship, partnership, and community can have a huge impact on how we see ourselves. This card wants us to think about where we put our emotional energy and pay attention to the openness of our hearts.
Who do we let in?
Card five: something to activate
Guardian of Wands / Queen of Wands
Also known as the Queen of Wands, this is a ruler of fire, one with a deep and authentic understanding of their own creative spark.
When we live in alignment with our most personal passions, when we let our souls shine through in our work and play, we can find energy, movement and power that ignites everyone around us.
As something to activate, this queen wants us to embrace and celebrate everything that enlightens us, gives us shine and inspires us to act.
She asks us to think about: What makes you shine? We have an opportunity to radiate our magic outward, impact our loved ones and communities, and make a real difference. What is important to you?
Card six: Something to celebrate
The devil
Our second Major Arcana card for this reading, the Devil, is a challenging archetype of temptation, destructive patterns, and struggles for control. Yet in this celebratory position we can find new interpretations for this card: opportunities to break free from old bonds or invitations to embrace our wild side in ways we don’t always allow ourselves.
The Devil often tempts us to return to our old ways, so this could be a reminder of challenges we’ve overcome – or could offer insights into a part of ourselves we’ve been ignoring.
To consider:
- What are you afraid to try, see, experience?
- Where could you cling so tightly to control that you’ve cut off the path to pleasure?
- How do you balance self-discipline with true joy?
Use the Major and Minor Arcana to help you through this season
Featuring two Major Arcana archetypes and three cards from the Pack of cupsthis lecture is one of heart, soul and passion.
Many of these cards emphasize the theme of solitude and reflection at the solstice, from the Eight of Cups and the Hermit’s distancing from old things to the Queen of Wands’ ability to shine brightly and independently. The Devil gives us the opportunity to examine our motivations, to think about what really drives us and what we really have control over.
And with both the Page and the Two of Cups in this reading, there are also some new beginnings happening, wonderful invitations to keep our hearts wide open and trust that our intuition will guide us forward.
Overall, the cards urge patience and compassion for the self and remind us to give ourselves permission to seek pleasure and stability.
These cards also encourage you to consider the following:
- What really makes you happy?
- Who makes you feel safe, seen and loved?
- How do your choices lead you to solid ground?
As you reflect on this season, give yourself real opportunities to rest: not purely so that you can be even more productive on the other side, but for the authentic pleasure and satisfaction that comes from being still. What does your intuition offer when you take the time to listen?
How do you create space for awareness, contemplation and clarity?