It is highly unlikely that anyone in ufology will find anyone who would dispute the alien hypothesis as an explanation for the UFO phenomenon.
The presence of objects moving at extraordinary speeds and performing maneuvers beyond the capabilities of known aircraft, apparently using technology that has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of physics, has now been reported by several countries through official channels recognized.
To clarify, while reality itself is not new, its discussion has entered mainstream discourse.
Recently, the US government publicly acknowledged the existence of these objects, albeit with the simultaneous assertion that they remain uncertain about their nature. This claim seems somewhat questionable, as numerous insiders have come forward to claim that the US government has indeed recovered some of these mysterious items.
But unfortunately, public UFO disclosure today doesn’t seem much different than it was decades ago. For example, in the past we have seen presidents like Harry Truman publicly acknowledge the reality of UFOs.
We have also seen programs implemented within government, such as Project Blue Book, to study these. The end result always seems the same: “we don’t know what they are.”
Given that major governments and major media outlets have a reputation for keeping things unclear to the public, relying on these entities for any significant truth may be a wrong approach, as in many cases they are used as tools of deception , perception manipulation and psychological warfare.
In his very last interview before his death, Colonel Robert Friend, who was then director of the US government’s investigation into the phenomenon (Blue Book) from 1958-1962, suggests that the US Air Force knew what these objects were. why they stopped the program, hinting at the idea that they knew they were alien.
Furthermore, people claiming to have ‘contact’ with these beings have been completely ignored during the ‘public UFO unveiling’. If we had potential eyewitnesses, wouldn’t it be a good idea to inquire about their experiences and apply a curious degree of accuracy to their stories?
Furthermore, a plethora of people within the military, intelligence agencies, and government agencies who have chosen to speak out about what they apparently know have been completely ignored.
Why is it that all these people and their opinions are continually ignored and left out of the wider public debate?
At this point, it seems like the mainstream media and government are only interested in shining a light on someone who acknowledges the reality of these objects but clings to the “we don’t know what they are” narrative.

An example of a valuable whistleblower would be General Leonid G. Ivashov. According to him: “Yes, there are definitely aliens in some form or another present on planet Earth….
“But so far the aliens have not caused any damage with their presence – no damage to Earth’s inhabitants, infrastructure or other living organisms on Earth, so to say there is an alien threat, well, that probably doesn’t correspond to reality.” – Ivashov can be seen saying this in a clip from Dr. Steven Greer’s recent film: “The cosmic hoax‘ after one hour and fourteen minutes.
These words are once again a compliment to others who might know. Colonel Lorin Ross Dedrickson had an eight-year stint at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. During that time he heard of many apparent alien encounters and has also indicated that one of their main concerns is the preservation of planet Earth.
One claim or whistleblower wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but there are hundreds that have come forward with very little attention paid to them.
Dr. Richard F. Haines, a senior NASA scientist for more than twenty years, claims that in 50 percent of the cases he encounters, the objects appear to come close to our aircraft, performing fascinating maneuvers and demonstrating what appears to be curiosity are.
He mentions that the phenomenon seems to be performing evasive maneuvers to avoid our planes, so as not to create any chance of a collision. Haines’ claims remind me of the following quote from General Nathan Twining from 1947.
The reported phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious… The reported operational characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (especially while rolling) and the actions that should be considered evasive when observed or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend credence to the possibility of some objects being controlled manually, automatically, or remotely.” (source)
If this phenomenon is seen as a threat by governments, and presented to the masses in that way, it appears that it could be misleading and not an accurate representation of what is observed. And for those who don’t think humans are ready yet, a recent study suggested the majority would be very happy with alien reality.