Numerology is the science of numbers and its connection with the supernatural and the occult. It slows down how different numbers symbolize different aspects of our lives and their effect on us through technology, social life and divinity. It is believed that it is one of those sciences that was founded by the oldest and most advanced civilization in the history of this world.
The origins of numerology lie in Babylonian, Egyptian and Pythagorean lineage. But its progress and existence up to this age, and still growing, is the culmination of the work of the Pythagorean school of thought.
Numerology deals with a multidisciplinary approach to people’s attraction. Its origins, which lie strongly in mathematics, also have a spiritual connotation.
Historical background and significance
The human race has always been fascinated by the applications of mathematics, until they realized what it was. Numbers and their appearance were and still are considered as the various signs of how the universe speaks to us, because it is an established fact that mathematics is the language of the cosmos.
Very few understood this about the numbers in ancient Babylonia, Egypt and Athens. But it was those few people who laid the foundation for a science whose consequences are eternal until the existence of numbers. This may sound confusing to some, but numerology was actually an important science in the most advanced civilizations and could possibly be a reason for their excellence. Let’s dig deeper to find out how and when it started.
Chaldean numerology
When writing history on numerology, the Chaldean importance is often overlooked, which is actually the origin of numerology. Before the Egyptians and the Greeks, it was the Chaldeans, later known as Babylonians or Assyrians, who in 600 BCE consisted of southern Iraq, the Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia and the Mediterranean.
The Babylonian excelled in astronomy and astrology. It was their knowledge of it that laid the foundation for Pythagoras.
Heaven and earth
Their concept of the divine was that heaven and earth existed in the same realm and relied undoubtedly and equally on the sign of both places. The concept of time was fascinating, as was modern science. They did not view time as linear, but as cyclical or curved in such a way that the future and the past would result in the present or, in simple words, influence the present. This aspect has also contributed to contemporary philosophy and cosmology.
When these beliefs were merged, they believed that humanity is under God’s will and plan and that it was now an obligation to serve God. Many texts recovered from the Babylonian era show mystical numbers that symbolize these concepts very beautifully.
Numerical values were assigned to planets, stars, gods, plants, valuable objects, metals and other objects. The assignment of numbers would be the energy or frequency they would feel from the vibrations of its essence. An important fact is the total disappearance of number 9. This is not yet known because it does not appear in Babylonian numerology.
Egyptian numerology
People in ancient Egypt believed that everything in nature is animated by invisible life forces; every particle and its constant motion are driven by it. Egypt can be considered the best example of how numerology has shaped their civilization.
When the early Gypsies arrived in Germany, they called themselves nobles from Egypt who had been exiled. They brought with them the tarot which they first called faro, which means ‘Game of Kings’ in Egypt. Derived from the name Pharaohs.
Making the pyramids
The Egyptians in creating the pyramids used numerology and mathematics to achieve this impossible feat, but in doing so they also emphasized its essence. There is a special relationship between the numbers 3-4-5, which are also the components of an Egyptian triangle. Egypt not only offered a different approach based on mathematics, but also served as the epicenter of all sciences related to numerology.
Pythagorean Numerology
Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher born in 590 BC. He is widely known as the father of geometry. He was a pioneer in the field of mathematics. The Pythagorean school of thought may not be directly related to the field of numerology, but its connections are clearly visible through the effects of its practical applications, resulting in various concepts of numerology.
Babylonian invasion
During the Babylonian invasion of Egypt, Pythagoras was captured and held captive. During his captivity he sought a teacher from a Zoroastrian priest known as Zaratas. It was this time that he studied about the harmony of the universe. He also started studying music and learned how the different pitches of sound correspond to certain frequencies and vibrations. Ultimately, he was able to reduce his observations to numerical proportions through deep analysis and the spiritual effect.
Pythagorean numerology takes into account the vibrations and energy associated with a person for 9 years of his life, which is called an epicycle. The first year shows the elements of new beginnings, while the following years bring different energies.
It has been around since Babylonian times and is often associated with Jewish people since they were the founders of Kabbalah. The concept of the tree of life holds that it is the body of God, or a tree with many branches, portraying him as the root cause of divinity or its origin. It is because what the branches signify is the flow of energy or life force to each other. The Kabbalist believes that the universe was created perfect by a divine architect. This forms the basis for Freemasonry and alchemy.
Modern numerology
It is merely a continuation of the work of the Pythagorean school of thought and is still advancing with numerous modifications. Dr. Julia Stenton is a notable educator credited with raising awareness about numerology. Nowadays, numerology is used to know people’s secrets and especially to predict what the future holds for them.
In conclusion, the Pythagoreans were practical in their work and therefore their results have been a great inspiration for modern numerology. The Chaldeans were harsh and straightforward in their perception. The Kabbalist used it in magic, while the Egyptians abandoned the best examples and achieved excellence.