The moon is a mysterious and beautiful planet that rules the sign of Cancer. This zodiac sign includes qualities associated with the moon: powerful emotions, creativity, intuition, education and moodiness. People with a lot of Moon in their chart usually have strong paranormal gifts and an interest in the occult.
When the moon is full, you may notice that some people tend to go a little crazy! This is where the word ‘madness’ comes from, the Latin word ‘luna’, which means ‘moon’.
In astrology, your moon sign represents your deepest emotional side.
So with so many beautiful layers attached to her, how can we harness the moon’s powers to help us?
The Moon goes through different phases during the month. It is always the same cycle, but each phase has its own special meaning. Below you will find an instructional guide to the different phases of the moon and advice on how to get the most out of manifesting under the moon’s rays!
1. New moon
The New Moon is the moment when the manifestation process really begins. This is the moment when the moon is invisible in the sky. The New Moon signifies new beginnings, and it is a time to take a step back and think about new phases and projects. This is primarily a planning time, and it is also a good idea to establish a New Moon ritual as it is a time for setting new intentions.
You don’t need anything special for rituals! You set intentions with the mind, just like manifesting.
However, crystals, incense and other tools can make it easier to focus on your ritual and give it something special. It can be anything as simple as lighting a candle and meditating with crystals such as moonstone or selenite (both crystals associated with the moon). Then set your intentions and repeat them out loud or in your head to yourself.
2. Waxing Crescent
This is the moment when the light begins to grow and the moon takes on the shape of a crescent moon. This phase is all about the growth of the resolutions you made during the New Moon. This is about focusing on the ‘why’ and thinking about what you hope to achieve.
This is a good time to write down your list of intentions.
3. First quarter moon
The moon is half dark, half light at this point. Now is the time to make decisions and take action. There is a lot to think about at this point. Spend some time quietly meditating as you reflect on your past decisions and ways to overcome future obstacles.
You will likely be filled with increased strength and determination, so it is a good idea to meditate with or wear the tiger eye or amethyst crystal. These help reduce any doubt or fear.
The First Quarter Moon is also an excellent time to channel emotional energy into creative passion. Working on creative projects can be very fruitful during this time.
4. Waxing Gibbous
The light is much stronger now and it seems almost full, but not quite. Now is the time to refine those intentions. Adjusting your goals, paying attention to details, and taking action toward your intentions are all good things to do during this phase.
This is a good time to make plans, have conversations that will help you achieve your goals, and engage in activities that reinforce these intentions.
5. Full moon
This is when the magic begins!
This is the time to manifest the intentions. You can do this with Full Moon rituals, including letting go and gratitude ceremonies. This is a time to make promises to yourself on a soul level and let go of anything that no longer serves you.
During the Full Moon you will imagine your goals and dreams as if they were happening there and then, and then thank the Universe for helping you make it happen.
Your emotions will be very intense at this time. Emotional energy is creative energy and is best channeled into rituals and creative endeavors during the Full Moon.
Shamanic dream quartz is a beautiful crystal to meditate on or wear during the Full Moon. It intensifies your creative energy and helps you connect with the energy of the moon.
6. Decreasing Gibbous
Waning Gibbous is when the moon doesn’t look so full right now, and it’s a time for gratitude and reflection. It is a time to focus on getting rid of stress and negative energy. It’s a powerful time for communication and making a list of all the things you are grateful for.
This is a wonderful time to use palo santo or white sage to cleanse yourself and your environment. It’s just the time to breathe and relax after the powerful energies of the Full Moon.
7. Third Quarter Moon
This is when the moon is half and half again, as in the first quarter stage. This is a powerful time for forgiveness. Light and dark are equal and represent Yin and Yang. You find balance right now through forgiveness.
It is the perfect time for forgiveness rituals. You can write down all the things you want to forgive yourself and others for. Then promise yourself on a soul level that you will approach everything from love.
8. Decreasing Crescent
This is the last phase before the moon returns to the new moon phase. This is about focusing on forgiveness And surrender. The light has almost completely disappeared now. This is the time to go within and recognize a higher purpose.
Great things to do during this time include reconnecting with nature, such as taking a walk outdoors. Or you bring nature to you with plant pots around your house. It is a time to rest, meditate and unwind before thinking about your new intentions for the next New Moon.
What are you going to manifest?
So there are the different phases of the moon and how you can use the power of the moon energies to manifest your intentions and desires. Hopefully this article has given you some advice.
May the moon and its soft rays shine down on you!
Related article: The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons