Tarot is a wonderful tool for exploring different aspects of yourself – and if you’re someone who feels pulled in different directions or struggles to figure out where to spend their energy, the cards can help provide some much-needed clarity.
Passion can feel like a loaded word, so connected to the deepest parts of ourselves.
When people talk about finding their passion and doing what they were meant to do, it is likened to a calling or calling, something that is essential to their being.
But if you don’t know what your passion is, or if you feel like something you used to be passionate about no longer interests you, you may feel like you’re falling behind or out of touch.
In today’s world, where hobbies quickly turn into money-making opportunities, and we feel pressure to make money doing whatever we’re good at, it can be difficult to disentangle what feels useful or productive from what actually makes us happy. makes. Living in capitalist societies doesn’t always leave room for passion, but it also makes it more important than ever to prioritize joy, creativity, and doing things just for a good cause. us.
Rather than seeing this spread as something that will help you identify ‘the one thing you absolutely need to do’, let this time with the cards be an opportunity to explore new possibilities, gently tapping into your natural creativity , desires and desires. .
If you try this Tarot spread, consider:
- What does your life naturally revolve around?
- What themes keep recurring, wherever you are or whatever you do?
We all have masses, and putting pressure on yourself to discover your one passion can make it even harder to identify.
Rather than serving as an all-encompassing conversation, you can use the cards to start a new internal conversation, to ask yourself questions that can open up internal pathways you may not have known existed.
Let this reading be the beginning of an investigation rather than a definitive answer to a single question.
How to draw the cards
As you shuffle your deck, you may want to take advantage of the spirit of the Pack of wands and the element Fire.
Ask the cards to help you identify what lights you up, fuels your sparks, and makes you motivated, excited, and curious. Think of the ace of wands, the six of wands and the court cards from the wand series.
What do you do when you feel most like yourself, like you’re in something bigger? When do you feel the desire to keep pushing, to try new things, to embody a certain spirit or energy?
The following lecture is just a brief example, intended to give you an idea of how to use this spread. Although it’s not intended for a specific person, you can still find some inspiration here.
A spread to discover your passion
Card one: Something you are curious about
King of coins
Kings are cards of authority and change, serving as architects not only for themselves but also for their communities. And within the suit of Coins or Pentacles, here we see a figure who is confident in his ability to collect, manage and expand resources of all kinds.
Rather than seeing this card in this position as someone who would like to feel stable and secure in their own world, the King of Coins card could indicate that this is someone who would like to be in charge of something diligent, something lasting , something that serves as a kind of service. of inheritance.
“What would it look like to build a strong foundation that can support other types of efforts?
Card two: something you can return to again and again
Page with magic wands
In contrast to the experience and power of KingsPages are students, beginners, in possession of the mind and heart of a beginner. And while they may not have as much authority as their older counterparts, Pages bring a sense of joy and wonder to everything they do.
The Page of Wands is passionate, inspired, eager to grow, and willing to take big risks just to find out what will happen next. This position refers to a person who enjoys starting new things, experimenting and playing, and being excited by possibilities.
What excitement is there in the beginning of something else? How often does that energy show up in regular life, and what would it look like if we pursued that desire more consistently?
Card three: an aspect of you that you can be proud of
Knight of Wands
All four members of the court of Wands are charismatic, brilliant, courageous and eager to experience the world in all its wonders; However, the Knight of Wands is extremely willing to prove themselves and seek out a quest or adventure that will help them truly understand what their natural fire looks like and what it needs in order to thrive.
Knights always challenging us to balance the element they are associated with, so in this position the Knight of Wands wants this person to celebrate a sense of innovation, adventure and experimentation. But at the same time, Knights often get caught up in ego, so pride must still be accompanied by a desire to learn, a willingness to listen, and a healthy dose of humility.
How do fire and passion inspire pride in creating new projects? How does this kind of energy activate and motivate other people?
Card Four: A way to explore further
The emperor
The only Major Arcana archetype in this reading, the Emperor, is a card of organization, structure, and boundaries.
And in light of all the court cards that emerged, especially the younger members of the court of Wands, the Emperor serves as a reminder to work with purpose and intention, to explore with focus rather than simply trying everything that is interesting .
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of something new, but actually making a plan to pursue something, setting goals and defining parameters can provide the kind of satisfaction that simply pursuing passion doesn’t always deliver .
Think about: What does it mean to make room for play within protected guidelines? How can intentional discovery create safety and joy, even in creativity?
This sample reading contains three court cards and one Major Arcana card, which makes for a fascinating assignment: taking risks, recognizing internal strength, and not being afraid to organize around those big goals.
Passion does not have to mean lack of purpose, so even in experimenting and pursuing adventure, the king and emperor on either side of this reading remind the questioner that there can be joy in intentionality as well as in play.
Now it’s time to discover your joy
As you use the cards to explore your own passions, give yourself plenty of space to wander, ask questions, and listen to your intuition.
In readings like these, the cards don’t always give us specific messages such as ‘start painting again’ or ‘go to cooking school’, but they can help open up possibilities that allow us to come to those conclusions for ourselves.
What do your cards remind you of? What keeps bubbling to the surface? And how can you integrate that natural passion into something with shape and form, something that can expand within you?
This piece contains cards from the True North Tarot. All photos by Meg Jones Wall.
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