Looking for new love? Looking for the next great relationship? Or do you simply need some guidance in matters of the heart?
Well, the Tarot is here to guide you, and it is most certainly here to illuminate the truths and insights that you think are hidden from you. Yes, it can even help you identify true love, and yes, it can show you what you need to do to get there.
It all starts with the right questions and intentions and a Tarot spread that helps you find the right answers. Let’s start your journey to finding new love with a simple five-card spread!
A 5-card tarot to find new love
Before you start reading love stories, make sure you keep an open mind And heart for what you might receive and hear.
When it comes to matters of the heart, we can find it a little harder to be objective – remember: the Tarot do I want to help you find love, even if it may have to be delivered difficult love your way first!

With that in mind, let’s dive into the 5-card Tarot spread to help you find and identify new love!
- What is the energy of my love life now?
- What energy is needed to attract new love into my life?
- What can I do to align myself with this energy?
- What’s a sign I should look for that I’m on the right track?
- Where am I going in my love life right now?
Still a little lost? Let’s see what this spread might look like in action.
Example Tarot spread
1. What is the energy of my love life now? — 8 of Pentacles
With the dedicated energy of the 8 of Pentacles, your cards can validate all the hard work you’ve done so far.
Maybe your past relationships were complicated and you had to work hard to move forward, or maybe you’ve just diligently practiced the self-love you need to enter a new relationship in a healthy way.
While this isn’t the most romantic energy, it certainly indicates that you’ve checked off all the boxes on your to-do list.
2. What energy is needed to attract new love into my life? — 7 wands (reversed)
The hardworking energy of the 8 of Pentacles is great and all, but the 7 of the reversed Wand is begging you not to work so hard right now.
Upright, the 7 of Wands is often an uphill battle. It shows us that a difficult time is ahead and that only our best efforts will lead us to success. In the opposite case, we could see this as the downside of not wanting to spend too much energy attracting new love.
What is meant for you will come easily and should not require all the sacrifices you are accustomed to giving in love.
3. What can I do to align myself with this energy? – The sun
Be happy, positive and optimistic!
The sun is bright and beautiful, and has the kind of innocence and optimism that we usually see in a child. Are That clean! Since you don’t want to work too hard or sacrifice too much at this time, it’s best to attune yourself to the energy of free-spiritedness and happiness.
After all, like attracts like. If you want cheerful love and warmth, the best place to start is by radiating that vibe in the first place.
4. What should I pay attention to to ensure I am on the right track? – 3 of cups
You need to be surrounded by friends, positivity and goodwill.
The 3 of Cups is not only a card of love and romance, but of happy times across the board in all social circles. If you radiate love and warmth, you will attract it and perhaps meet all kinds of new people.
You won’t always meet “the one” in these situations, but it’s a good sign that you’re on the right track to meeting someone with the right mood and vibe.
5. Where am I going in my love life right now? – 4 of Swords
At this time you may be entering a period of reflection and rest.
If you are unable to align with the bright and optimistic energy of The Sun, the Universe can force you into it by putting your world on pause.
The 4 of Swords is often a pause in our lives where we are forced to self-reflect and rejuvenate our energy, so this may be what it takes to get you on track with The Sun’s energy.
Is love in your cards?
While the Tarot can help us identify and understand the next steps we need to take to find what we want – including new love – it is still up to us to take those steps.
In other words, the Tarot can help you find love, but it’s up to you to grab it.
And we may not always have an easy road ahead in our Tarot spread! Sometimes finding new love requires a lot of self-reflection, hard work and honesty.
If you’re feeling stuck or discouraged, you can always ask your Tarot cards for extra help, guidance, or a few words of affirmation to help you feel ready to take those steps.
Then try a different spread: Use this tarot spread to determine how someone feels about you