Dear friends,
My monthly magazine Webinar for the New Moon Manifestation Circle is TONIGHT, Friday, August 2 at 7:30 PM Eastern. . . and I would love to see you there!
The Leo New Moon itself rises just a few days later – on Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 7:12 a.m. EDT – and has some interesting features: see the image below. When the card is released for Washington, DC, we find the Goddess of Love on the Ascendant, exactly conjunct the Fixed Star Regulus, the heart of the lion and the bearer of the energy of dominion. Venus also remains in the orb of her Fire Trine to Eris, the Goddess of Discord, giving a boost of passion and enthusiasm to the Rebellious Feminine. “I’m a cat lady, hear me roar!”
Mercury is about to go retrograde until August 27, asking us all to spend the next month doing a detailed reassessment of our words and our work. Pay attention to the errors in the code, the tension on the seams. We can’t always be in expansion mode. A stitch in time saves nine, and a thoughtful self-assessment is the easiest (and least embarrassing!) way to keep ourselves on track. Your passion is great, but it’s not the only thing you need.
When Mercury is retrograde on a New Moon, we often hear from people in the past. If someone reappears in your life, intervene. And if YOU are thinking of someone you haven’t thought of in a while, please consider reaching out!
Of course, Saturn is also retrograde, approaching a disruptive square to Jupiter in the middle of the month. These two planets last met on December 20, 2020. Their upcoming aspect is like a couple’s first fight: clarification of each person’s boundaries and a test of their commitment to each other. After a conflict like this we are more aware, wiser and more involved. But for now, the tension is still building.
Despite these challenges, it is a powerful and hopeful New Moon: a GREAT time to clarify your intentions and desires so that you can manifest them. Neptune dances all summer long on a World Point of Fame, giving resonance and permanence to all our visionary creative projects and desires.
There is also an irregular Earth-Air Grand Trine between retrograde Pluto at 0 Aquarius (approaching late degrees Capricorn) and Uranus and Juno in late degrees Virgo and Taurus. Plant those seeds, send those emails.
To learn more about the energy of this New Moon, how it enters your chart, and how to make the most of the new 30-day and 2.5-year cycles it initiates, I invite you to come see me on Friday evening.
Big hugs,
PS I regularly recommend astrology students to learn timetable The school of traditional astrologyfounded by Deb Houlding, and I’m happy to say he is an excellent astrologer Wade Caves is offering an IN-PERSON hourly astrology course through STA in Brooklyn, New York this August. If you mention I sent you, he’ll give you a discount!
Here is the registration link:
(If you can’t take this special in-person class, Deb’s online offerings are great too.)
The first time I met Wade was when my student Annabel Gat and I were on a road trip to an astrology conference; she had gone to San Francisco a week earlier to take the course at Wade’s home in California. She came out of class with this huge folder of astrology material, and I (as the owner of fourteen bookcases in my one-bedroom in New York City, and a growing number of bookcases in Florida) was immediately intrigued. I then put the STA horary series online and I highly recommend it! Go get your own knowledge folder. xoxo
The New Moon in Leo
Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 7:12 am EDT
Chart for Washington DC