If you’re reading this article, chances are you don’t relate to your sun sign.
Do not worry. You are not alone!
I’ll start with my own experience. There was a time when I thought astrology wasn’t for me. I was born a Libra. A harmonious, balanced, graceful, peace-loving Libra who cannot stand conflict and will do anything to keep the peace.
But in reality, I am a rather cautious, defensive person who thinks that conflict is just a way of life.
I could honestly say that I didn’t have a relationship with my sun sign and even felt like I did wrong constellation whole. I left astrology in the dust for many years before a chance encounter made me interested again.
The importance of the rising sign
It was then that I discovered my rising sign: Scorpio Rising, to be precise.
Hmmm, I thought as I read the description. Guarded… strategic… persistent… sees the world as a dangerous place… piercing gaze… sits in the corner and broods… Oh my God, I thoughtthat’s me!
In fact, the description of the Rising Sign was so eerily accurate that I wondered why I hadn’t learned all this so long ago.
But it was at that moment that I feverishly delved into my birth chart and discovered more illuminating information that amazed me: Venus in Scorpio…Moon in Cancer…Mars in Capricorn. Why yes! It all made sense now!
As the years went by and I learned a lot more about astrology, I thought to myself about how many people were in the same position as me – where they don’t take astrology seriously or don’t care about it because so much emphasis is placed on astrology . a sun sign they have nothing to do with.
But why is this?
It happens a lot more than we realize. I know Capricorns who don’t feel like Capricorns at all. I know Leos who don’t feel like Leos. I know Geminis who don’t feel like Geminis. And so forth.
What exactly is going on here?
What difference does your zodiac sign make?
Let’s first look at the three cardinal signs that together define who we are, also known as the Primordial Triad.
To properly calculate these signs, you must fill in your birth chart. By entering the exact date, time and location of your birth, you get a snapshot of the sky at the moment you came into the world.
1. Your rising sign
First, there is your Ascendant or Rising sign. This is determined by the time of your birth and represents the image you present to others. In esoteric astrology it also represents your soul’s purpose.
Chances are, if you figure out what your rising sign is, you’ll probably handle it very well.
This is because the Rising sign is the sign you project onto others. It is the face you show to the world, your appearance, it represents how you deal with external situations.
2. Your moon sign
Then there’s your moon sign.
This is the sign that highlights your deepest emotions and shows how you navigate the world through your feelings and emotions. It also represents your physical, emotional and social needs.
3. Your sun sign
Finally, your sun sign is the essence of who you are. It is the vital force within you that compels you to find the highest expression of your true self. This sign guides your actions, such as your career and skill development and how you perform in social interactions.
However, unlike your Rising sign, your Sun sign is hidden deep within you.
In some astrological circles, it is believed that we do not begin to identify with our sun sign until we are in our 30s. The first 30 years or so of life (before Saturn returns for the first time) is about getting to know ourselves.
In general, you can start to focus more on your sun sign and what it means to you, and less on your rising sign. Of course, this is not always the case for everyone, but it is common for this process to occur.
This may also explain why some people in their 30s, 40s and 50s experience a ‘midlife crisis’, which leaves them seemingly on a very different life path than they had previously chosen.
The importance of Saturn’s return
After my first Saturn return, I went through quite a dramatic transformation. My diet completely changed, and to some extent so did my appearance. I became more approachable, less wary of people and more willing to build bridges rather than engage in conflict.
Furthermore, my Scorpio rising is still very strong, but my Libra Sun is also showing itself now. The influence of Venus, which rules art and beauty, begins to have a more powerful impact.
In other words: the essence of who I am is starting to manifest in the world, through aspects such as encouraging a healthy lifestyle and bringing people together despite differing opinions.
This is the Libra Sun (a sign of peace), but it manifests through the Scorpio rising (a sign of conflict). One is ruled by Venus and the other is ruled by Mars. These planets are as different from each other as chalk and cheese, but if they can work together, their impact can be positive.
The same goes for everyone else. It’s about merging the rising sign and the sun sign so you can become the very best version of yourself.
Before dismissing astrology, consider your entire birth chart
Personally, I believe that astrology in its current form focuses too much on the sun sign, which is enough to drive people away from it before they have a chance to dig deeper into it.
This is a huge shame, because understanding your birth chart can really help and guide you in your life.
Through you Venus sign, you will understand your love style better; through your Mars sign, you will gain insight into your energy level and what drives and motivates you. Through you North Nodeyou can understand on a deeper level the lessons your soul came to learn.
As for the Rising sign, if there’s one sign that’s likely to convince more people that astrology is a truly phenomenal subject that can help us understand ourselves better, it’s this. This is because it is the one sign that people can usually relate to the most.
So if you too have wondered why you think you have the wrong sun sign, don’t despair. You are not alone.
You are made up of many complex aspects, many different vital elements and an abundance of planetary combinations. Each of us is so individual and unique that we cannot possibly be defined by the sun sign alone.
Delve into the intricacies of your entire birth chart, planetary configurations, and astrological houses before putting astrology aside completely. You will be amazed at what you find.
Do you want to know more? Get your free moon sign reading right now to learn even more about your unique personality!