A healthy balance of mixed energy may be just what you need to get the ball rolling in your favor. Will this week be your week?
Leo season will finally draw us into its passionate, artistic energy on the 22nd and light up our week with its pizzazz and theater.
If you’re worried that this energy will only distract you from the practical responsibilities you have, don’t worry. Mercury will move into its home base of Virgo on the 25th, allowing for clean, precise communication and streamlined thinking.
We’ve turned to the Tarot for our usual weekly guidance to see how this mixed bag works out for you.
Your sign’s weekly tarotscope for July 22 – 28, 2024
3 of Pentacles
Ramthe cards have one very simple message for you this week.
As the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work. The 3 of Pentacles pushes you toward others, indicating that they may have valuable insights, help, and suggestions that will benefit you as you move forward.
This is especially true for hobbies, skills, work, finances and careers.
You may be the type who enjoys going it alone, but trust us: there’s a time and a place for that attitude, and it’s not here or now.
6 of cups (inverted)
TaurusCan nostalgia be a powerful lens…is yours clear or foggy?
The 6 of Cups reversed indicates that Taurus feels inclined to revisit the past this week, but reminiscing doesn’t always lead you down a healthy path.
Yes, tuning into your feelings and reflecting on what may already be past or existing can be a powerful tool for self-growth. But it is also possible to dwell on this hinder precisely that growth.
Be honest about which one is true for you, Taurus.
Ace of Pentacles
Twin continues their productive streak with the Ace of Pentacles in play!
This week, some Geminis will find this opportunity knocking on their door. Are you ready to answer?
This could look like new job opportunities, career advancements, or even just some regular time to get work done in a refreshing way.
You still have to be willing to put in the effort, but the Universe is also willing to follow that up with positive energy.
10 of Pentacles
CancerWhen you look ahead to the future, what environment do you see?
Is it a future of abundant material stability? Leave a lasting legacy for others? Be a pillar of strength for those you love?
The 10 of Pentacles asks you to really tap into those desires of yours, to remember what all this hard work and toil is really for.
You are on the right track now, as long as you keep your true intentions close to your heart.
The High Priestess
If Lion As the season itself begins, it’s not surprising that this week can be a time of realization and revelation for the sign of the Lion.
The High Priestess embodies your intuition at its peak, a part of your unconscious, intuitive wisdom begging to be heard.
At this time you should feel more aligned with this spiritual, invisible inner wisdom. Don’t shut out that inner voice, Leo.
3 of wands
Virginare you ready to expand your visions, dreams and plans?
With the 3 of Wands you have been patiently waiting for this moment.
This week is all about looking optimistically to the future, taking note of how the seeds planted so far are growing, and reorienting yourself for more work and expansion.
In other words, this is a positive, productive week for Virgos (if you’re willing to trust your own intentions from a while ago to take the lead now).
Ace of Cups (Reverse)
Scalelove may not be found around every corner, but it can still be found.
The reversed Ace of Cups is feeling particularly lonely for some Libras this week. You want love and connection, but lately it’s been difficult to take that first step toward true understanding.
However, this card in this position also emphasizes the need for self-love, finding a true ally within yourself.
You are capable of filling your own cup, Libra. How are you offering yourself some love and care this week?
King of wands
Scorpiontrust is key.
This week, the King of Wands puts Scorpio in the spotlight, pushing you to speak loud and proud.
Others may look to you for guidance and inspiration, perhaps not in exact terms, but mainly in the way you can lead by example. The eyes are on you as you take steps forward.
Light, camera, action. What are you going to do with the spotlight?
The lovers
Archerlove is on the horizon, but it’s not what you think.
The Lovers does indeed portray a greater opportunity for romance to blossom, but more importantly, it creates a sense of intensity and passion that can be difficult to actually tap into.
Spiritual, strange and ethereal energy is currently at a peak.
It’s important to go with what intuitively feels right, rather than drowning yourself in logistical expectations around relationships and your identity as a friend, lover, or partner.
7 of Pentacles (reversed)
Ibexthis week yes still about fighting that impulse to overthink.
Last week you struggled with that riddle, but especially in the area of the heart and intuition. This week the reversed 7 of Pentacles suggests this has more to do with the practical aspects of progress.
Before you take any big steps, you would understandably prefer to have a plan of action.
However, don’t let this become an excuse to sit back and wait again, as it can be tempting to see the thoughtfulness as its own decisive action.
7 of wands
Aquariusthere is an uphill battle going on, but you have what you need to win.
Even though the Magic Wand 7 notes that you’re probably going to put a lot of effort into feeling like you’re not falling behind at this point, you’re still are not probably actually falling behind.
This card highlights your true willpower, inner strength and independence as important qualities that will help you through these more difficult times.
You got this, Aquarius.
The Hanged Man (reverse)
Fishing are still stuck feeling, thinking, and analyzing – and you’re about to think yourself into an endless loop.
The inverted Hanged Man suggests that you probably have all you can get from your current mindset.
Solitude, self-reflection, and seeing the bigger picture are all admirable pursuits. But they can only go so far for so long.
This week you will have to make a conscious effort to try something new: breaking out of the cycle, having new conversations and seeing new faces.
This week’s cosmic recipe for success
The cards are the first ingredient we like to use to tune in on a personal level to the cosmos and spiritual forces at play.
After all, a weekly Tarot card shows you where you are likely to be going at the moment.
However, other ingredients to a balanced spiritual diet may include a more rounded approach to understanding what’s at stake. We also recommend: