If you’re not feeling cheerful, this might be the week to brighten your path.
Mars, planet of ambition and drive, will enter the vibrant, active sign of Gemini on the 20th of this week. It’s an ideal time to wrap up short-term projects and get them out of the way.
But don’t forget: Venus and Mercury are still in the dramatic and vibrant sign of Leo. You’re running low on energy right now, so you’ll have to find an outlet that works for you to filter it all out.
Of course the energy can vary. That is why we round off our insights with a few words from Tarotat!
Your sign’s weekly tarotscope for July 15 – 21, 2024
8 of Swords (reverse)
Ramit’s time to free yourself from your own chains.
With the 8 of Swords reversed, many of them had imposed themselves to begin with.
This may be a hard truth to swallow, but it’s likely that the main thing holding yourself back, whether through fear, self-doubt, or insecurity, has been you. Now is the time to honestly examine and let go of those limitations.
Freedom awaits, Aries.
Page with swords (reversed)
Taurusthis is not the week to force yourself into something important.
The page of swords reversed warns against acting too quickly or speaking without thinking.
You have many tempting ideas and impulses and may also feel like the clock is ticking against you. However, running into something now will likely result in a crash and a burn – not the satisfying conclusion you’re looking for.
Your ideas may be fine, but write them down and just come back to them a week later.
Page of Pentacles
Twin has a productive, sober week ahead.
The Page of Pentacles offers a studious, practical and open-minded atmosphere to Geminis this week.
This is an ideal time to focus on your work, plant new seeds for future career-related projects, act as a team player, and perhaps even spend some time on personal projects and ideas that interest you.
Get started while the energy is full of fertile soil for planting seeds of abundance.
Justice (reverse)
Cancer, something is out of balance. This week is all about finding out what that could actually be.
Inverse righteousness indicates that something, both inside and outside of you, is just not right. Maybe you’ve been feeling ‘off’ lately, but haven’t thought about why.
This map confirms that this is a bigger problem than it seems at first glance.
Some self-reflection and alone time to resolve this energy is in order, Cancer.
7 of Pentacles
The future looks bright for Lionbut the road Unpleasant it’s not always so glamorous.
With the 7 of Pentacles you are called to a time of planning, organization and meticulous time management.
The tricky part? It’s hard to believe that all this slow, steady work will actually produce anything good, especially since it’s all very boring for now.
But you have to trust not only the process, but also yourself. You are able to turn this simple path into a path paved with gold.
5 of Pentacles
VirginSometimes you have to lose something to gain something.
The 5 of Pentacles highlights all your losses, disappointments, and areas of material insecurity (career goals you haven’t achieved yet, points you’ve missed, and so on).
Although this energy is uncomfortable to face, fully reflecting on these moments can help prepare you for better times ahead.
Scale, the final call is yours. What will you choose, say and create?
The judgment confirms that your vision is currently 20/20. You have a good grip on who you are and what you have to offer the world around you and you are also able to fulfill the role of advisor to others just as well.
This makes this week an ideal time for decision-making, creative conversations and important conversations.
The world is your oyster. How are you going to make the best of it?
The moon
Scorpion has been no stranger to intense energies in recent weeks.
The Moon continues this trend with its mysterious, menacing aura, which enhances the general atmosphere of everything around you and brings out an aspect of the surreal.
However, this card also finally offers some chance for clarity, indicating that your connection to your unconscious mind – through dreams or perhaps even forms of divination – is stronger at this time.
So tune in to the internal truths and clarity you can, Scorpio.
King of Pentacles (reversed)
Archeryou may be struggling with your material goals this week.
The King of Pentacles Reversed in particular highlights personal concerns and frustrations about your control over this realm: finances, career, and family.
You can want to control over this domain of your life, but I have the feeling that this is no longer self-evident lately.
Remember, control isn’t everything. As a Sagittarius, channel your free-spiritedness and open-mindedness to see the adventure on this rollercoaster, at least for now.
7 of cups (inverted)
IbexDon’t let overthinking get the upper hand now.
The 7 of Cups reversed shows you to attempt to move past the impulse to overanalyze your feelings and intuitive instincts, but of course that’s easier said than done.
Remember that what you intuitively know and feel to be true is not something that you can always explain rationally.
Free yourself from the temptation to find logic in the magic of your intuition.
Knight of Cups
Aquariusthere is love in the air!
With the Knight of Cups, this is a powerful week for romance, forging deeper connections, opening your heart to others, and undertaking creative works that come from the heart.
Whether it’s love for others, your profession or something completely different, this week is undoubtedly about embracing your loving side.
Open your heart, Aquarius, and the world will open up to you.
5 of cups
Fishing is in their feelings this week, and not in a good way.
While we love and support the typical Pisces tendency to self-reflect on their emotions and find strength in them, the 5 of Cups suggests that you’ve surpassed reflection and started boiling spilled milk.
Hold space for the difficult feelings that arise, but don’t let yourself get stuck in the past, Pisces.
After all, the present and the future are waiting.
Start this week on the right foot
The cards are a powerful tool for illuminating energy, messages and insights that we can easily miss in the hustle and bustle of our busy lives.
But there is always more going on. When we look at our Tarotscopes, we also place the cards in the context of our lives, the world around us and the greater forces that may arise within it.
Here are a few other ways to put your Tarot card in place this week as you plan ahead:
Big picture summary: Your powerful tarotscopes of July 2024