In the early hours of Wednesday morning, residents of Rijeka, Croatia, were greeted with an unusual sight: a blue triangular object hanging in the air. The object was captured on camera by a local resident, reports
The footage shows the UAP maintaining its position against the gusts of wind, eliminating the chance that it is a drone. The observer, who wished to remain anonymous, described the object as a “triangular-shaped object in bright blue color” and appeared solid, although she admitted there was uncertainty about its true nature.
Time-lapse webcams placed around the city also recorded the same blue lighting, adding another layer to the puzzle. The object remained visible for about ten minutes.
Experts have been careful not to jump to conclusions, suggesting the object could be anything from an unusual atmospheric event to an optical illusion caused by moonlight.
Some suggest the object could be a secret aircraft or a new type of technology, while others think it could be a natural but rare occurrence.
Authorities have not yet issued an official statement and the object remains unidentified.