Staff Sergeant Mario Woods recently shared a stunning UFO encounter from 1977 The Disclosure Team podcast. Woods, who guarded missile silos at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota, described an experience that still defies explanation.
That night, Woods was standing in the control center outside the base when he noticed a huge luminous object in the sky. The size and appearance of the object did not match that of any known aircraft, which left him puzzled.
Shortly afterwards, alarms indicated a perimeter breach. Woods and his colleague Michael Johnson jumped in their car to investigate. As they drove, they saw the object with pulsating orange, red and white lights about a mile away.
“You could see this pulsation… these orange, red and white colors,” Woods recalled.
As they got closer, they realized it was huge, comparable in size to a Walmart and as long as an aircraft carrier.
As they observed the object, a bright light enveloped the area and both men felt an invisible force lifting them from their seats. Then a drone-like sphere appeared above the hood of their vehicle.
“A ball, about four to five times the size of a beach ball, appeared just a few inches above the hood,” Woods said. The object spun around like a ping-pong ball before suddenly disappearing.
“This thing was shooting around for three or four seconds like a ping-pong ball, as big as it was, and suddenly it flew off and it was gone.”
The encounter took a stranger turn when Woods saw four creatures – three small and one large – approaching him without walking.
“I saw these four creatures – three small and one large – about twenty feet away,” he said. “They weren’t walking, but they all moved at the same time and came towards me.”
Moments later, both the entities and the UFO disappeared, and Woods discovered that he and Johnson were now parked 10 miles from their original location, with no tire tracks to indicate their journey.
“The strangest thing about this is that the vehicle was facing the only direction it could go, and there were no tire tracks coming in,” he recalls.
To this day, the events of that night remain unexplained. Woods’ story adds to the growing number of military personnel coming forward with their extraordinary UFO experiences, fueling ongoing debates about extraterrestrial life and unidentified aerial phenomena.