Scientists have proposed a new theory of the evolution of the universe, published in the journal Progress in physics, according to which the Big Bang could be a myth. But the universe neither expands nor contracts because it is static and has no beginning or end.
Imagine if the Big Bang that started the universe never happened. On this basis, the universe has never expanded from a small compact point and has been in a stable state throughout its history, without beginning or end.
This is what the authors of the new theory suggest, who claim that the Big Bang theory does not work, because it is based on the Doppler effect.
The Doppler effect explains that the perceived increase or decrease in the frequency of light, sound, or other waves depends on how the source of those waves and the observer move toward each other. In space, the light emitted by different objects is influenced by the Doppler effect.
When a body moves away from us in space, it shifts to the red part of the spectrum, that is, this is a red shift. When a body approaches us, the light shifts to the blue part of the spectrum.
Measurements of starlight have shown that all galaxies are redshifted. That is, they are moving away from us and this confirms the Big Bang theory and the fact that the universe is constantly expanding.
But the authors of the new study doubt whether redshift means movement. That is, the Doppler effect actually destroys the big bang theory.
Observations of space made by scientists correspond to another hypothesis, which is incompatible with the big bang theory. It’s called the mild aging hypothesis.
Dating back almost 100 years ago, this hypothesis explains the universe’s redshift by saying that photons, the particles that make up light, lose energy as they travel through space.
Therefore, decreasing or increasing energy does not necessarily mean motion, and so an expanding universe cannot exist. According to the hypothesis, light simply loses energy over time, meaning the universe must be static. The authors of the new theory suggest that no initial explosion occurred and that the universe has no beginning or end.
Scientists believe that the red or blue shift of stars depends on Isaac Newton’s corpuscular theory of light. According to this theory, light consists of small particles that continuously move in a straight line. That is, the blue or red shift that astronomers see in space is a result of the size of the particles.
If they are bigger it means blue, if they are smaller it means red. The authors of the theory say that if light is not made of waves, the Doppler effect does not work, because it is based on the fact that light is made of waves.
At the same time, physicist Stephen Holler disagrees with such conclusions, because the Doppler effect has been repeatedly tested and confirmed, indicating that the Big Bang did indeed exist.
The scientist explains that using Doppler spectroscopy, astronomers have been able to match the chemical composition of stars and planets to the spectral lines observed in chemicals on Earth.
At the same time, Holler says that it has not yet been possible to fully confirm the Big Bang theory, although it is the best description of the origin of the universe so far. There is currently nothing to indicate that the Big Bang is a myth, says a physicist.