A recent study suggests that advanced aliens may be involved in visiting major attractions on Earth.
The research suggests that certain types of highly evolved alien entities, located at considerable distances, could potentially identify buildings – but only those from about 3,000 years ago, due to the time it takes for light to traverse the vastness of the universe.
The peer-reviewed article, titled “Are We Visible to Advanced Alien Civilizations?”, is included in Acta Astronautica Journal overview.
ZN Osmanov, the author and research partner at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) institute, states that using the universality of the laws of physics, the maximum distance for potential detection is about 3,000 light years.
This implies that extraterrestrial observers could use extensive telescopes to discern the architectural wonders of great past civilizations, including the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians.
In answering the question of our visibility, the study categorizes the level of technological advancement of an alien civilization, with a focus on those able to fully harness the energy of their local star.
It is hypothesized that there could be three major technological civilizations: Type-I is an alien society that consumes the total energy incident on a planet from their host star; Type-II is an alien civilization that uses the entire energy of the star; and Type-III is an advanced alien society, consuming the entire galactic energy.
The study reads: “The question above all is: can the artifacts of our technological society be visible and potentially detectable through the telescopes of ETs?
“Since the question is to identify our society with civilization, the main focus should be on the search for large ships, buildings and space satellites, etc. Such artifacts can be easily identified as artificial structures.
“For this purpose, it is normal to focus on the visible light reflected from the corresponding objects. To identify an observed object with an artificial object, the best way is to resolve it spatially. Therefore, optical telescopes will be used.”
Further suggestions for the possible observation are the collaboration between several extraterrestrial telescopes or super-advanced calculations.
The study says: “Instead of using large telescopes of astronomical size, one can apply long-baseline optical interferometry by using at least two telescopes widely spaced apart.
“We have shown that advanced alien societies of Type I, II and III can use quantum computers based on artificial black holes, capable of recording the said signals.”