You need certain things from your partner and friends, and those are small compliments. But those little compliments can mean so much. For example, think about coming down the stairs in the morning ready for a new day at your stressful job, and your partner knows that this is difficult for you. And cheers you up by giving you a little compliment. It may be small, but it also means so much to you, which can brighten your mood and give you a little boost. Now let’s talk about the little compliments that mean a lot to your zodiac sign.
Aries – “You are caring and empathetic”
Aries, you may come across as tough and competitive, which you are, because that is your fiery nature. But like anyone else, you get sad when you’re alone and you feel like others don’t like you. You may never want to appear that way, but that’s how you feel deep inside. However, you also have a very protective nature because when you care, you really care!
Therefore, even though you have to compete for what you want, you are there for your friends and partner. Therefore, when your partner and friends tell you that you are a truly caring and empathetic person, you are happy to hear it.
Taurus – “You are very selfless”
Taurus, you are rigid because you need your routine. Therefore, unless there is an emergency, you cannot interrupt your routine for anyone. It’s about being safe. Others may think you are selfish, and your partner may think that way too, which hurts you because that is not in your nature at all.
You truly care about your friends and partner and want them to succeed in every way possible. Even though you need your routine, you are also there to encourage them and help them find ways to succeed in life. When your partner or friends tell you that you are selfless or altruistic, it makes your day.
Gemini – “I love your enthusiasm”
Gemini, you are curious and also social. However, you are not the type to commit unless you are madly in love. If you have a partner, you love him or her and you don’t want to do anything that will upset him or her. However, you are often indecisive and do not follow through on your plans. This may have caused you to have a lot of arguments with your partner and friends.
But you don’t mean to be that way. The thing is, you’re really excited about the world around you, and you can’t help but want to check it out. And when your partner compliments you based on how they appreciate your enthusiasm, even though they’re frustrated by your inability to always keep going, it makes you feel good (and apologize for the latter).
Cancer – “You always see the good in others”
Cancer, you are highly emotional and the most emotional in the zodiac. However, you are also very caring and will make sacrifices for others. However, you also become very moody and can become snappy with others when you are in a mood. Then you feel bad and guilty for doing that. You may worry that if you unintentionally upset someone, he or she will worry that you don’t like them. You may have accused your partner of being tired of you, and the same goes for your friends.
However, when they tell you that you have your days and are entitled to your difficult days, you feel validated. But you like it more when they tell you that they like that you see the good in others, even when others can’t, because you really do, which makes you feel good.
Leo – “You are a true leader”
Leo, you know you want to be seen, and others will take you seriously. You want to be in the spotlight. The last thing you want anyone to see is a follower in the first place. However, you don’t like it when someone tells you that you only do the things you do to show off. And if your partner has said that to you, an argument will arise.
So even though you love being the one in the spotlight and in control, you do it with a generous side. You really want to help others become their best selves. And when your partner admires you for being such a great leader, it makes you very happy. You also like to hear that compliment from your friends.
Virgo – “You are real”
Virgo, you are very analytical and you take everything seriously. Yet you sometimes have difficulty maintaining or developing meaningful romantic relationships and even good friendships because others see you as judgmental and closed off. And that hurts because that is not your intention, you want to help others and be a good partner to your partner. But at the same time, you can’t hold back and let slide everything you don’t like.
For example, if you’re unhappy that your partner isn’t always organized, you won’t hold back. Of course, that may upset them because the truth can hurt, but at the same time they will appreciate you for being sincere. When they tell you that, you feel good because that’s the truth. There’s too much sugar coating in this world, and it doesn’t always help.
Libra – “You are a fighter”
Libra, you are charming and sociable. Others love you for who you are, and it is never difficult for you to find the ideal partner. But be honest: sometimes you become overwhelmed and you also fear conflict and have difficulty dealing with stress due to setbacks. Your partner and friends sometimes get upset with you when you don’t express your needs.
You don’t want to upset anyone and you tend to please everyone. You don’t like this trait of yourself because you wish you were stronger. But what if you are much stronger than you think? You can deal with setbacks better than you think, and others see this in you. Your partner and friends think you’re great for it, and when they tell you they see you as a fighter, you feel better about yourself.
Scorpio – “I like your persistent personality”
Scorpio, you are very intense and passionate about what you do. However, you keep your distance and sometimes even need space from your partner. You tend to wonder if others like you and if this makes your partner happy with you, but you can’t do anything about it because you need a lot of time to recharge. You also need a lot of time to pursue your ambitions.
You do it when you have a goal in mind that you want to achieve. You don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way. And your partner and friends respect that side of you. When they tell you how much they like that you are such a go-getter, you feel good and understood.
Sagittarius – “I love your generosity”
Sagittarius, you are the one who is naturally optimistic and adventurous. You don’t care what people think of you or what you say to yourself, because deep down you do. However, you will never show it. But even though you can be blunt, which people don’t like, you are also generous.
When you go on romantic dates, you take your date on all kinds of excursions and cover the costs. You also buy dinner for your friends, and in that sense you are like Leo. Therefore, when your partner and friends compliment you for your generosity, you feel great because it is true.
Capricorn – “You’re funny”
Capricorn, you are serious and very fond of your ambitions and goals. You also tend to take things very seriously most of the time. However, every now and then you like to make a good joke, but because you’re not the type to be that funny, you wonder if someone you’re joking with is impressed by you.
And it would make you feel great if your partner told you that one of the reasons they ended up with you was your sense of humor. You like to be told by your partner and friends that you are funny because you don’t like to seem serious all the time, and it also shows that your jokes are appreciated.
Aquarius – “I love how honest you are”
Aquarius, you’re the one who likes to do your thing and march to your drummer. You are progressive, of the humanitarian type and friendly. However, you can be just as blunt as Sagittarius, to the point where it comes across as condescending. And when you say things that are too simple to your partner and friends, you start to feel bad because you know you may have hurt their feelings.
But what happens when your partner and friends tell you that they appreciate and respect your honesty? That surprises you positively because it shows that your truthfulness is more appreciated than you think!
Pisces – ‘You are incredibly observant’
Pisces, you have a strong appreciation for art, and you are empathetic and kind. Often you know you are drifting off into a dream-like state. And you may think you’re not grounded enough, which upsets you, but you can’t help it. You have the feeling that others think you are a space cadet, but the truth is that you are not.
Your intuition is strong, and you see and know more about what is happening around you than others give you credit for. However, when you notice all the things your partner and friends do that they think you wouldn’t notice, you make it clear that you see what they do. That’s why when they tell you that they see how observant you are, it makes you happy. You don’t like being the one who is known to be away from you all the time.
You may think that small compliments don’t affect you too much, but they can really make your day. For example, if you are having a difficult day and your partner or a friend tells you something nice about yourself that you don’t see, it makes your day a lot better. For example, if you’re like a Pisces and think that others are always ignoring you because you’re the dreamy type, and then they tell you that they love how observant you are, it can make your day. On the other hand, if your partner or a friend is having a rough day, why not give them a little compliment because it will brighten their day too!