The question of whether time travel is theoretically possible remains a fascinating topic for scientists. The concept of time loops, as predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity, is an interesting topic in the field of dynamics.
As films like The Terminator, Donnie Darko, Back to the Future and many others show, time travel causes many problems for the fundamental rules of the universe: if you go back in time and stop your parents from meeting , for example, How can you even exist to go back in time at all?
Physics student Germain Tobar from the University of Queensland in Australia has devised a way to ‘square the numbers’ to make time travel feasible without paradoxes, reports
Tobar’s work suggests that space-time can potentially adjust itself to avoid paradoxes. For example, if a time traveler travels to the past to prevent the spread of a disease, the disease could still escape in some other way, eliminating the paradox.
This work is not easy to understand for non-mathematicians, but it explores the influence of deterministic processes on any number of regions in the space-time continuum and shows how both closed time-like curves can fit the rules of leisure. will and classical physics.
Physicist Fabio Costa of the University of Queensland oversaw the research, which mitigated the problem with another hypothesis that time travel is possible, but that time travelers would be limited in what they did to avoid creating a paradox.
In this model, time travelers have the freedom to do whatever they want, but paradoxes are not possible.
While the numbers may be correct, actually bending space and time to get to the past remains elusive. The time machines that scientists have come up with so far are so high-concept that they currently only exist as calculations on a page.
If we one day achieve that, this new research suggests we would be free to do whatever we wanted to do with the world in the past: the world would adapt accordingly.