The days get shorter and the nights get longer until you reach the shortest day and longest night on December 21, which is the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (and the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere).
After the 21st the days will start to get longer and the nights will get shorter again, but you won’t notice it until around mid-January as the increase happens approximately every minute. Yule is a major celebration of paganism, and those who do not follow the pagan path may also celebrate their winter solstice celebrations. How do you celebrate the winter solstice based on your zodiac sign?
Aries – Slow down and reflect
Aries, you are full of energy and always on the go. However, during the winter solstice, it’s best to slow down, disconnect from technology (yes, put your phone away for now) and go into hermit mode, because you have a lot of information packed into you. to process and reflect on your achievements and also what you can improve in the coming year.
That’s never easy for you because you’re constantly on the go, but this is one of those times when sitting and reflecting is the best way to honor the solstice.
Taurus – Be cunning
Taurus, you are the determined person who is also stable and stoic. And you have a creative side, as your ruler, Venus, is the planet of beauty and love as well as creativity. Since you love the outdoors and nature, you’ll want to include that in your solstice celebrations.
Therefore, you will want to go out and collect small branches, twigs and pine cones, and you can make a wreath, or you can make other crafts and give them away to your friends and family, who will appreciate it.
Gemini – Have a solstice meeting
Gemini, you are versatile and appreciate the solstice for its combination of light and darkness. You can wear light and dark clothes, and you can also invite some of your closest friends to wear the same and have a get-together or even a party if you feel like you want to go all out and have a ceremony where you say goodbye to the darkness and hello to the light.
However, if you prefer not to dress in white and dark clothing and want to delve more into holiday-themed clothing, that’s your choice too. But it will be a perfect excuse to hang out with friends because that brings happiness.
Cancer – Light some candles and read a book
Cancer, the winter solstice is one of the most sensitive times for you, which will make you want to hang out in your home even more. You celebrate the solstice by turning off the lights, lighting some candles, curling up in bed and reading one of your favorite books.
Being around others other than your family will drain you a lot. You may watch movies with your kids if you have children, but you will reappreciate your private time by reading books in your candlelit bedroom.
Leo – Decorate your home
Leo, you are the one who wants to shine and make others notice you. Whatever holiday you celebrate, decorate your home based on your winter holidays. You will paint decorations on your tree that will be visible to others based on where you place it, or a menorah on your windowsill for your neighbors to see.
Not only are you using regular paint, but you’re also covering a lot of glitter on what you’re decorating. You celebrate the solstice by entering into spirit, as long as others see how you do it.
Virgo – Take time to relax
Virgo, you are very analytical and tend to overthink things, and the best way to celebrate the winter solstice is to let yourself cool down. That means lighting lavender candles around the house, putting on relaxing music, and letting go of the thoughts that have been stressing you out all year.
This is the time to focus on yourself and exhale the stress you have been holding in as this is the time to renew your mind, body and soul. You can take a spiritual bath, meditate, or do what Cancer does by reading your favorite book in bed.
Libra – Enjoy time with friends with a bonfire
Libra, you don’t like being alone. You won’t be celebrating the Winter Solstice alone as you will be hanging out with your friends and sitting by a bonfire. You connect with your friends and your community while connecting with nature.
While this is the shortest day of the year with the least sunlight, celebrate the fact that the sun will shine longer in the coming days. While you stay warm by the campfire, you can also enjoy hot chocolate to sweeten it up.
Scorpio – Keep a diary
Scorpio, you are intense, private and passionate, and this is a perfect time to grab your journal and write down your resolutions for the next year. You write a note with the intentions for yourself and what you want to attract into your life, and you also write down the things you want to achieve.
Then when January rolls around, you’ll probably want to go back and read it so you can use it to remind yourself of the priorities you need to keep.
Sagittarius – Take a walk
Sagittarius, you are known as the cheerful one, but what everyone forgets about you is that you are also very spiritual. Therefore, celebrating the solstice by taking a walk in your neighborhood while taking in the nature around you will be complementary and meditative.
Look around you, see how the season changes and focus on that, because you will appreciate the miracle. If there is a snowstorm where walking around can be difficult, you will still be quite thoughtful and grateful for the changes in the season because it will give you a sense of wonder.
Capricorn – Do some meditation
Capricorn, you constantly strive for improvement and are goal-oriented. Therefore, you often suffer from thoughts because you are constantly thinking about how to achieve the best, because you are very ambitious. However, since this is your season, you’ll want to take a break from that.
Therefore, you will want to sit quietly and meditate to clear your mind. Therefore, stop the inner chatter through meditation, which will be a great way to reset your mind so that you can gain the clarity you previously lacked in the new year.
Aquarius – Japanese Yuzu bath
Aquarius, you like to stand out and do things your way, and you will have an original way to celebrate the solstice. That’s why you’ll want to take a yuzu bath. And if you don’t have yuzu fruit in your area, any citrus fruit such as orange, grapefruit or lemon will work.
You’ll want to add citrus fruits to the bath to celebrate the solstice by boosting your immune system, as citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. You can record it so that you can enter the new year healthy and strong. You can also use citrus essential oil to give yourself the ambiance of this bath if you don’t have any fruit near you.
Pisces – Indulging in a sweet treat
Pisces, you are an imaginative type and you love to make every possible escape, so you welcome any celebration. The way to celebrate the solstice is to indulge in a sweet treat; Whether it’s holiday chocolates, hot chocolate or cake, you’ll make it a tradition to celebrate the start of winter.
And any neighbors who would like to join in are also very welcome. If not, do it at home, with the fireplace on, make it cozy and indulge your sweet tooth.
However you decide to celebrate the Winter Solstice is entirely up to you, so whatever your sign, if any of these ideas appeal to you, give them a try. And let’s say it’s a snowy day or a snowstorm. In that case, you’ll probably want to do what Pisces does, because enjoying a cup of hot chocolate by the fireplace is a cozy way to ring in the solstice, and it’s a day to relax without worrying about work and whatever. gives you stress.