When you enter a relationship, you are on your best behavior, and it stays that way until you adjust and feel more comfortable with your partner. And you’ll also see your partner do the same, as he’ll be on his best behavior for the first few months when he dates you until he feels more comfortable.
What happens then is that you start to see things in your partner that you don’t like, and vice versa. Your true nature begins to show, and so does their true nature. Now let’s go through each sign’s bad relationship habits so your partner knows what to expect from you, and you know what to expect from him or her!
Aries – Can throw tantrums
Aries, your passionate side, has probably attracted your partner because that’s an intriguing part of you. However, if you don’t get what you want, when you want it, your temper will flare and you will say things you regret.
If you have a heated moment, you will upset your partner, but you will embarrass yourself. That’s a bad habit that you can’t seem to control. After you cool down, you are full of regrets and apologies for letting your mood get out of hand.
Taurus – Inflexibility
Taurus, you are loyal and committed in your relationships, and you are also very reliable. Your tenacity is also admirable. But what is behind determination? Stubbornness and stubbornness. And unfortunately, your bad relationship habit is having an “all or nothing” or “black and white” attitude.
There is no middle ground and no gray areas. You’re the ‘my way or the highway’ type. You are not open to your partner’s opinions if they are different from yours, nor are you flexible when it comes to changing routines because you need that comfort. These bad relationship habits will cause a lot of tension in the relationship.
Gemini – Lack of focus
Gemini, you are a fantastic multitasker and you are fascinating. Your partner was attracted to you because you are an excellent communicator and you have things to talk about with him or her. You are also the one with so many things to focus on as you have your hobbies, friends, work, family and partner.
But the problem is that sometimes you aren’t focused enough on your partner, which makes him or her feel like he or she isn’t important to you. You’re spreading yourself out, which is why you’re like this, and your partner is going to have to talk to you a lot about how he or she needs to be a priority in your life.
Cancer – too moody
Cancer, your partner is lucky to have you because he or she will get all the care in the world that you have to offer. And you can reassure them that you will always be loyal to them, and they will believe it. The only thing that makes your partner annoyed with you is when you suddenly become moody.
Because you are highly emotional, your mood can change in an instant. All it takes is for your partner to say the wrong thing, and you will either overreact by crying and screaming, or you can forego the silent treatment. Your moodiness can be a source of conflict in your relationship.
Leo – Sometimes too controlling
Leo, you are incredibly generous and warm, and that is what attracted your partner to you in the first place. However, you are the one who likes the spotlight, and you will love it when your partner joins in, but if you feel like your partner is stealing your spotlight, you will become possessive and jealous, and you can even be controlling.
You’re telling your partner what to do and what not to do and he won’t appreciate that. Therefore, this trait of yours can be an important source of discussion.
Virgo – Obsessed with fixing things
Virgo, you are not the emotional type, and so you will attract people who can understand that if you show your love in other ways, by serving them and helping them in ways they need. You know you can be overly analytical, and you may be a bit critical, but if your partner makes it clear that he or she won’t tolerate it, you apologize and stop.
However, you would be happiest if you had perfection, which is why you will be obsessed with fixing things. Fixating on situations like dishes not being put away properly or the way they fold their clothes is a huge source of contention. That horrible habit can throw a wrench in your relationship.
Libra – Brews resentment due to fear of conflict
Libra, you are the one who can be very charming and you are very diplomatic, and it is all about balance. However, you also don’t like conflict, and you shy away from it. And the truth is that in every relationship there should be conflict because communication makes the relationship healthy.
It is not realistic for the couple to agree on everything. But you will please your partner if you are not satisfied with what he or she wants by agreeing with him. And what happens is you become passive-aggressive while holding a grudge. Then your partner notices that you are not happy, and you have an explosion.
Scorpio – Becomes possessive
Scorpio, you are naturally distrustful until you find a reason to trust, which is how you end up in a relationship. Ultimately, your partner deserves your trust. However, if you notice that your partner is not sincere or does not give you the attention you need, you will eventually become possessive because you are paranoid and do something behind your back.
You text them all the time at work and you don’t want to give them any privacy. That will become an argument, because chances are your partner won’t do anything behind your back.
Sagittarius – Does not like responsibility
Sagittarius, you need excitement to have so many adventures. That’s why you don’t like commitment unless it’s being with a partner who loves travel and excitement as much as you do. In that case, you welcome a relationship, but the truth is that you can’t travel all the time and have one adventure.
Sometimes you have to stay because there are responsibilities you have to fulfill outside of work. Therefore, if your partner needs you to help with something and stick around, you would go on a trip or even a day adventure around the city instead.
Capricorn – can be pushy
Capricorn, you are driven and incredibly ambitious. Therefore, you only develop a relationship with someone who shares the same mentality as you when it comes to pursuing goals and ambitions. You don’t stand for someone who has no ambitions and is lazy.
But even if you find that partner who shares the same mindset as you in terms of goals and ambitions, you tend to push them too much. You forget that everyone works and strives to achieve their goals at their own pace, which may be slower than yours. If you force them to work faster, they will only resent you. Let them work at the pace that suits them, and so can you!
Aquarius – Forget that they often have a partner
Aquarius, you march to your rhythm and you are progressive. You are also a humanitarian and you want to help make the world a better place. You are very independent because you love your freedom, but at the same time you get lonely and want a relationship.
However, the common problem you face is that you get so caught up in wanting to help make the world a better place that you don’t make time for your partner. Sometimes you may forget that you have a partner. They have every right to be angry with you. You make up for your mistake by focusing on it later, but it happens often enough.
Pisces – Poor communication and not always reliable
Pisces, you care about your partner and you are a true romantic. However, you are not always aware of reality and become very dreamy. You know how to win your partner, but once you are in a committed relationship, your partner will see your bad relationship habits. First, you might forget a date you set up with your partner, and if your partner asks why you’re not somewhere they expect you, you might be out running errands – because you forgot.
You also won’t be the one to deal with a conflict when one arises, which gives you something in common with Libra. That’s not getting into fights and running away. If you are not aware of these things, your partner will not want to stay with you.
Everyone has their problems regarding their relationships because everyone has some bad habits. You’re human, so you won’t be perfect. There’s only so much your partner will be patient with yours, and there’s only so much you can tolerate when it comes to your partner’s bad relationship habits. However, the best you can do is remain a work in progress. Work on your habits and do your best. When your partner sees that, he or she will respect and love you for it. And you would feel the same if you saw your partner working hard on his problems!