Egyptian numerology march messages
I am Sara Bachmeier of Egyptian Numerology and bring you the messages for the month of March for Life Paths number one through Master number thirty-three.
If you don’t know your life path number, go to my website and under “Chart Measurements” I give an example of how to calculate your Soul Life Path Number.
Universal number eight months
March 2021 is an eight-month universal number and we also have our Spring/Autumn Equinox on March 20th.
What do spring and the number eight have in common? Fertility, growth and lots of new energy. It’s going to be a super powerful time of year for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Let’s take a look at How do we calculate the number eight for the month of March?
Remember, 2021 is a universal five-year number. So we will experience this energy all year long no matter what month we enter and each month has a numerical frequency. The month of March is the third month of our calendar year.
We add the Universal year number 5 to the calendar month number 3, and we get the Universal month number 8 for March 2021.
Number five is about personal freedom, movement, adaptation, change and transformation. The number three refers to self-expression, creativity and sharing your unique message with the world.
Combining these two phenomenal energies creates the number eight. To access the flow of electrical and atomic energy from this number, we must have personal integrity in our lives and when we are aligned with integrity, the universe provides us with the means to use our talents and gifts in record speed. manifest. .
So let’s move on to the life path messages.
When you are life path number one
This is a productive month for you in terms of business, relationships and finances. Self-expression, motivation and communication are the keys to your ultimate success. Stay focused on what will bring you the most joy in the future.
Mentorship comes to your field. Either a long-awaited mentor or teacher will appear, or you will become the mentor for others.
This is an exciting opportunity for spiritual advancement and the numbers indicate your long-awaited readiness in this area. You’ve planted the seeds, now it’s time to reap the rewards. Let the movement of the spring season take you into fertility and growth.
Do the research necessary to take action, but don’t put it off. This is a green light to move forward with your long-awaited plans.
Life path number two and master number eleven
You feel the undercurrents of creativity demanding your attention. Think of something fun, passionate but certainly innovative. To benefit from this project, something in your life must change to make room to make it happen. You’ve been too busy and it’s struggling to find its way to the surface.
This may require making more room for time, practice, research, or making room for channeling that wonderful energy that thrills you during a playful ceremony.
The message is to listen to your intuition and take advantage of this creative opportunity. If you align yourself with a clear vision and incentive, the Universe will bring you everything necessary to materialize it in physical form.
Life path number three
This is a powerful month for you. You will receive intuitive insights such as the North Star on how to best move forward with your spiritual life. Will it be reading, writing or watching a movie?
Don’t take these inner clues for granted. This month you are supposed to act based on what feels most powerful to you. Be guided on your journey with a clear intention to do what is best for you.
This won’t be a big social month for you, as you will be given clear instructions on what to do to increase your self-esteem, confidence and self-love, and this requires time for yourself. So don’t panic if you suddenly get the urge to cancel a social date to go on a solo safari.
This month is about getting the resources to take care of yourself.
If you listen, this action will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your most intimate dreams.
Life path number four and master number twenty-two
This month is about taking a vacation, letting go of the details of work and planning a trip away from home and responsibilities.
Is there family, friends or a retreat you would like to attend?
Should you focus more on your partner and relationships in general?
This is a good time to reflect on how much you’ve grown over the past year, how you think others view you, and most importantly, are you showing up as the person you need to be to support yourself emotionally and spiritually?
Step away from the perfect order of your daily routines and get a little messy. Get your route together, throw away the maps and walk outside the lines this month.
Try some risky things and activities, like soaking your bones in a hot tub, dancing like no one is watching, and even driving on a scenic route to nowhere.
Why? Because the world becomes more valuable when you let go and swim with the flow. This month is about walking around without a leash and not telling anyone where you’re going. Get lost a little and trust that your instincts and intuition will guide you where you need to be at the right time to receive a spiritual download full of gold gemstones.
Life path number five
Health is your number one priority this month. What can you change, add or explore to increase your vitality, strength and overall well-being?
While last month invited you to go inward, this month is more outward-oriented.
An emphasis on physical activity will increase your ability to release stored energy that leads to anxiety or moodiness.
If more exercise isn’t an option, change your diet or do a cleanse. For optimal results, do all three this month.
As you become more active, you will have the opportunity to meet someone who will further promote your inner dreams.
There is a message waiting for you from the other side and this information comes through a chance encounter. But you have to make yourself available and that means stepping outside your comfort zone.
Life path number six and master number thirty-three
This is a month of many changes. Some of this change you have initiated, and some will come seemingly out of nowhere.
Although this whole year is about change, movement and transformation, the coming weeks will provide you with plenty of opportunities to improve your financial status, sell or buy real estate and shares and possibly start a new business.
Stay in touch with your intuition and do research to discover which direction will support your realm of creativity.
It is advised not to make decisions that hinder your desire for self-expression and personal freedom. This means not sacrificing financial gain for your happiness.
The message suggests that you can have both if you put self-love first. Take some time to think about what this means for you in the future.
Life path number seven
This month’s message is about taking inventory of your personal relationships. Do they support you? Are you still in harmony with your circle of friends? Is it time to open the door and invite new companions and new energy into your daily correspondence and communication?
Think about how much you have changed in the past year. Do you have new interests? What direction do you want to go in this year and do you have the people in your life to support you?
I know these are a lot of questions, but it only takes a few minutes to answer them and be honest with yourself. You already know the answers…
Life is like a vacuum: as soon as we let go of something that no longer serves us, a new opportunity takes its place. This month is about opportunity, possibility and happiness, but you must center yourself in the best position to receive and this requires you to make the adjustments necessary to support growth. Ask yourself, “What can I do to prepare myself for abundance?” Open your heart and mind to receive the answers.
Life path number eight
There is a lot of energy coming your way this month. It will feel like energy on steroids. You would think that this would be a positive month of success for you because it is a universal number eight month, and it very well could be, but there is a lot of energy to balance right now. If you find yourself grounded this may work for you, but if you aren’t it can be a bit overwhelming.
So the message for you is to spend some time in nature and cherish communion with the spirit realm. This will help you ground the energy and strengthen your intuition.
Grounding is very important for your well-being, creativity and business affairs. Don’t make quick decisions without being balanced on all levels, body, heart, mind and soul.
This is always good advice, but this month it is essential to listen to your intuition and connect with Source before taking leaps into unknown territory.
Try grounding, gardening and cooking this month. Stay focused on balance and the rewards are sure to multiply.
Life path number nine
This is a resourceful month for you. All the time you spent on self-reflection and realization has given you the opportunity to flourish.
Whatever you put your attention to this month is sure to manifest, so it’s important to focus on what you do want and let go of any fears or limiting beliefs about failure.
Speak and visualize your dreams daily, and look for signs, symbols, and synchronicities that can guide you.
Be prepared to take action because opportunities seemingly come out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly if you don’t respond positively.
Know that you will be in the right place at the right time to make progress in whatever your best intentions are.
These can include relationships, creativity, new business ventures, relocations, and financial opportunities.
The message is loud and clear: when your heart and mind are connected, your intuition is always perfect.
Go for it with loving blessings from the universe.
This concludes the posts for this month. I am the author of Egyptian Numerology; emergence into the fifth dimension. I have a mentorship program available for those who wish to elevate, expand, enhance and encourage their spiritual direction through their Soul Life Contract. You can find more information on my website at
Have a blessed week. Namaste