We have all known that life is a cycle that ends with our loved ones leaving us and never returning. The tragedy we face and the grief we experience is unimaginable. Mediumship is a process in which a human instrument, considered a medium or channel, is used through its spiritual energy to contact the unknown or the abyss of the strange. It also involves performing paranormal activities and channeling various energies through the medium. Let’s see what this process entails.
Consciousness: an integral part of mediumship
Before we get into what mediumship entails, we need to know why and how this process is common and has had a real effect on people who visit for a psychic reading and to talk to the loved ones who have left them. The theory behind this is that we live our lives purely as material objects. Our bodies are subject to decay and eventually we die. It is an important fact to remember that our consciousness controls us and that the spiritual energy it embodies is at the heart of the process of Mediumship. Our consciousness leaves our body, but it is always alive and wandering, synchronized with the energies of nature. This is why psychics can communicate with the deceased spirit through a human body acting as a medium.
The purpose of mediumship
Although the meaning of mediumship is clear and simple, namely communication with the dead, but what is the essence of the process, that is, the purpose it has. Let’s see what Mediumship offers us.
To present information
This is the primary function of Mediumship: it provides us with information that may or may not be verified, but is valuable enough to give us an edge in any specific situation where we need it.
The occurrence of paranormal activities
Paranormal activities are real; there’s no denying that nature works in mysterious ways. There is a deep and serious web of operations going on for the forces of nature, of which we are not aware. It is true because we can only judge or perceive within our limitations. The mediumship process is the reason that paranormal activities can occur. There have been many cases and experiences of people who had felt the effects of supernatural forces.
Channeling energies
Because we have already established how our consciousness embodies spiritual energy and that it interacts with the nature around us. Therefore, the process of Mediumship involves being a channel and providing a path for the energies to channel/flow and transmit or receive messages.
The manifestation of yourself
Rene Descartes was a famous philosopher and his famous quote ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’ (I think; therefore I am) sums it up for conscious manifestation. It is up to us how we create our reality. This is a core realization of how we can shape our lives when we manifest our consciousness. This is done by having a sharp vision, a clear intention, an undying faith and an ardent desire.
How does Middel work?
Because it has already been made clear what a medium is? It is the channel through which we communicate with the spirits or the medium through which energies flow. So from the definition we can get the true purpose of a medium. The types of Medium are discussed below.
Spirit communicator
A spirit communicator, as is evident from their title, is a person whose purpose is to convey and receive messages to the afterlife. They can communicate both verbally and physically. This is what many psychics do and this is usually common during readings if you have considered talking to your loved ones in the afterlife through a spirit communicator. Just try the free paranormal reading online and be surprised!
Spirit operator
A spirit operator is a person who uses a medium for the purpose of using or manipulating energy. He can guide the other medium to do what a spirit communicator does. As a spirit operator he can also communicate, but he also allows other mediums to communicate.
Mediumship and its types
Mediumship is divided into two basic types. They are given as follows:
Mental mediumship
Mental mediumship is more telepathic in nature, where the transmission of information takes place without any physical touch. In telepathy, not all five senses are used, and it is the mind that connects with that of the medium, and the process is carried out through mental work. Mental mediumship takes place in the mind of the medium, and his consciousness is central to the process. All the results or the outcome of the whole operation is done through verbal means. The medium used for communication receives information in different mental states into which one enters through proper control. That is the way one can venture into the depths of consciousness and come into contact with what seems impossible and unbelievable to many.
The mediumship process involves a sitter and a medium. A medium through which the information is received. A medium must be a person who must reveal the information he hears or sees without any personal bias or prejudice. It must then pass this information on to the actual recipient of the message, namely the sitter. Mental mediumship can also be called telepathic mediumship due to the involvement of only mental states of control.
Physical mediumship
A physical mediumship is concerned with the transmission of information through the manipulation of energies or a system of energies. Because it involves an earth medium for channeling the energy, a spirit operator is needed, who ensures that paranormal activities take place, which is a sign of connection with the unknown. However, the results are tangible for those involved in the process.
Mediumship is a phenomenon that many will probably not believe in, but it is the limitations of our thinking that hinder our ability to discover what is beyond the material world. The process of Mediums has a significant effect on those who want to talk to their loved ones who have left them.