This article is part of a series of articles on the numerology of countries. We will look at name numerology, as well as the accepted date for the birth of a nation. This article is about the United Kingdom. A country has an identity and can be considered a ‘person’ for the purposes of this numerological exploration.
This article will explore it numerology to see how the country expresses its numbers.
The many rebirths of an island spanning England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales
The origins of some countries and the collection of countries are not always clear when you look deep into history. Over time, however, various pacts and treaties mark times of birth and rebirth. The island comprising the territories of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales has undergone several transitions and transformations. This article looks at the most recent configuration of the United Kingdom, (re)formed, in 1921 under the Anglo-Irish Treaty.
Life path number
The life path is the sum of a person’s birthday (mm/dd/yyyy), the articles of association of a company or the constitution/treaty of a country. The most recent rebirthday of the United Kingdom was December 6, 1921, so 12/06/1921, which is a total of 1939, which is 22, which is a 4. If the numbers are added consecutively, the total is also 22 ., which drops to a 4.
An individual with life path number 22 is the master teacher. That is why they have the passion and energy to engage in science and share knowledge with others as deeply and widely as possible. Their personality develops through their efforts to learn and share wisdom.
As humans, they embrace knowledge, problem solving, and information sharing. So they become successful by teaching others and spreading wisdom. Because they act with the blessing of Destiny, they overcome challenges that come their way and teach others to overcome challenges, strengthening their understanding of the problems they face.
For a more complete understanding of this life path number, visit the Life Path Number 4 page.
The United Kingdom has at its core England, which proved to be one of the most successful empire-building nations of the past millennium. It was once said in history that “the sun never sets on the British Empire.” 22/4 is therefore an ideal number for a country, or a collection of countries, with this role in history.
Lot number
The destination number is the total of the full birth name. ‘The United Kingdom’ would be considered the full birth name, including ‘The’ at the beginning. The destination number is the total of his first, middle and last name. The United Kingdom adds up to 80, which is 8.
An individual with destiny number eight attracts driven and high-performing people. Therefore, they encourage those people who want to succeed in the public eye, set and achieve high goals, and lead others.
They intuitively know how to bring out the strength of someone else and put that strength into the world. As goal-oriented people, they show others the benefits of hard work, long-term planning and leadership. Fate wants them to lead the leaders!
For a more complete understanding of this Destiny Number, visit the Destiny Number 8 page.
Although the United Kingdom’s role in world affairs has diminished, its former leadership role is undeniable. The British pound was once the strongest currency in the world. And English remains the working language for business. The recent move to secede from the European Union is an attempt to regain the autonomy an energy company would prefer.
Active number
You live life with your first name, and therefore its numerical value is your active number. Some people use their first name, others adopt a nickname given to them by a family member or peer, and some people choose a nickname or even an alternate name.
The “real” active number is the given birth name. Even if you legally change your first name, the active core number is the birth name your parents gave you. A legally changed name is more powerful than a nickname. And every name used to identify a person in the world is a variation of an active number. In the case of Great Britain, “United” is the active number, which is 28, which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1, the number for the Individualist.
An individual with an active number 1 is a born outsider. That’s why they like to go first, try the ride before everyone else and take the first bite! This person will speak out and stand out. A child with a first name 1 goes towards something he or she wants, or goes in a different direction than the rest of the group. That, or the rest of the group runs after the child with the first name ‘1’.
Hereditary number
Essentially, you inherit numbers from your parents. Usually the father’s surname is the one that dominates and is known in the world. The mother’s surname often becomes the middle name for a woman after marriage, when she takes her husband’s surname. In the case of Great Britain, the surname would be ‘Kingdom’, which is a total of 37, which is a total of 10, which amounts to 1: the Individualist.
An individual with heredity number 1 inherits individuality from one or both parents. The person must determine how to understand energy number 1 through the influence of the parent. That influence can manifest itself as support or oppression. In other words, the child is encouraged to be independent or has to fight for his or her independence. Either way, the child learns the lesson of independence from the parent or in spite of the parent with the last name that is number 1.
Soul urge number
The Soul Urge Number is the total of the vowels in a name, especially the full birth name. The Soul Urge is like an energy charge within a person’s numerology. The Soul Urge number ’empowers’ the Destiny number. In the case of Great Britain, the number is 37, which equates to 10, which equates to 1.
An individual with Soul Urge Number 1 draws energy from themselves. That is why they work with inner strength and inner guidance that is intense. These individuals are often confident, self-aware and motivated. Accepting that you have to take the initiative to get what you want and get things done can help you become more successful in your relationships and endeavors.
Personality number
The personality number is the total of consonants in the name, specifically the full birth name. The personality number is how people meet and interpret someone. It’s like the clothes you choose when you plan to go out, which makes people react to you in a certain way. For the United Kingdom the number is 43, which drops to 7.
A person with personality number 7 presents themselves as mysterious to others. Therefore, others consider them enlightened or delusional. People who like spiritual leaders expect a Personality 7 to fill that role in life. Don’t be surprised if people treat you like someone who understands their purpose in life, even if you want to focus on your purpose in life.
Soul purpose number
Your life path number reveals your numerical engine; it is the energy that drives you. Your destiny number reveals the numerical energy the world desires from you. When you combine them, you get your Soul Purpose Number, which reveals the ‘why’ of your existence in this life.
In the case of the United Kingdom, the Soul Purpose Number is the total of his Life Path Number 4 plus his Destiny Number 8, which makes a total of 12, which adds up to 3. With a combination of 4 + 8, the United Kingdom exists to “create through guidance to give something to build up’.
The total numerology is:
- LPN = 22/4
- DN=8
- A=1
- HN = 1
- SUN = 1
- PN = 7
- SPN = 3
There is a conquest history of ‘being number 1’ in Britain, reflected by the number 1. There is also the life path energy to build something lasting. Mixed with these dominant numbers and energies are strong themes of creativity (3), mysticism (7) and leadership (8).