Birds are known to carry messages between the spirit world and Mother Earth. They have wings that can carry them to heaven. High in the sky we are amazed as they glide on the wind currents. We watch in awe as they perform acrobatics in the air. But just as wonderful, and perhaps even more fun, is when they come back to land and allow us to observe them up close and personal. They fill the trees in our neighborhood, dance with the tides on our beaches and flock to our bird feeders. How receptive are you to the messages they bring? Have you ever asked a bird to bring a message to the spirit world?
Some psychics have a special bond with birds
Psychics have something in common with birds: a sixth sense connection to spirit beings and the spiritual realm. So it makes sense that psychic individuals have a special ability to communicate with birds. For centuries people have talked about special people for whom birds show no fear. In fact, birds will land on their head, their shoulder, or their outstretched hand. If you see a bird land on someone, you can take it as a sign that they are psychic, whether they realize it or not.
Messages from deceased loved ones
If you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, keep an eye out for unusual bird appearances. People often report noticing the appearance of certain birds shortly after the death of a loved one. Even long after death, the same bird species can reappear on special occasions such as a birthday or anniversary. In some cases, the birds making these appearances seem to be going out of their way to be noticed. They may peck on a window to get attention or fly so close that you can feel the wind of their flight in your hair. A flock of geese overhead can form a strange pattern in the sky and send a message that only you would understand. They may even honk extra loudly to make sure you notice!
When birds appear, it is almost as if the spirit of your deceased loved one is saying, “I am still with you” or “I will always be with you and watch over you.” Encountering such a bird with her message from the spirit world can be a great comfort to a grieving survivor. It can also bring back a happy memory and the feeling that your loved one still surrounds you with love.
The Cherokee First Nation learned that you could send messages to the spirit world by blowing into an easterly wind while a cardinal flew by in the same direction. Other North American native tribes had similar beliefs and/or showed special reverence for certain birds. Birds were so sacred to First Nations that the clans within their tribes were sometimes associated with a particular bird, such as the ‘Raven Clan’. We are now rediscovering the wisdom of these tribes and clairvoyants are especially attracted to this wisdom. It comes with a healthy respect for nature and a deep understanding that humans are as much a part of nature as birds and other wildlife.
Of course, the ancestral spirits in the older branches of your family tree may also want to send you a message…. perhaps an ancient wisdom delivered at just the right moment when you are making a crucial decision. Have you ever seen a bird land near you and look at you so intently that you knew they were trying to convey a message? Maybe you shrugged it off at first, but were they persistent enough to make you pay attention? Remember, birds are the same age as dinosaurs, because they are dinosaurs! They carry the collective wisdom of our oldest ancestors. Try to be receptive to their messages.
Northern cardinals as messengers from the spirit world
Northern cardinals, more commonly called “red cardinals” or “red birds,” are one of the most charismatic birds in North America, Mexico and Central America. They were called “cardinals” because their intense red feathers reminded Europeans arriving in the Americas of the red robes worn by Catholic cardinals. The rich colors of a northern cardinal’s feathers are so striking and so beautiful that many of these Europeans wrote poetically about them in their journals.
Red cardinals are often associated with the spirit world. It is mainly thought that seeing a red cardinal is a sign that a deceased loved one wants to communicate with you. Some also believe that red cardinals carry messages from angels, but that you must allow yourself to be open to receiving such a message. Meditation and chakra cleansing can help with this, as can a consultation with a clairvoyant. If you see a red cardinal, don’t rush. Take your time and absorb the energy around you.
Yellow cardinals are the ultimate signal
Although red cardinals are commonly considered a message from the spirit world, if you are lucky enough to spot a yellow cardinal it could be a sign that something truly extraordinary is about to happen! Yellow cardinals are extremely rare, but are well documented to occur from time to time. It’s actually the same as finding a four-leaf clover. The brilliant red feathers are replaced by a supersaturated yellow. Otherwise, yellow cardinals look the same as red cardinals: same shape, same size and same markings.
This change in feather color is caused by an extremely rare gene mutation. In fact, it is so rare to see a yellow cardinal that rare bird alerts go out to avid bird watchers when one is found. These bird watchers will travel hundreds, even thousands of miles just to catch a glimpse of it. In other words, a yellow cardinal is considered rare and wonderful… and to be the first to see it is the ultimate gift from the spirit world. If you open your heart and mind, you may be lucky enough to experience this extraordinary signal from the spirits.
One man’s maid is another man’s cardinal
Although we have focused on cardinals, all birds, due to their most famous status in the psychic world, carry with them the ability to carry messages to and from the spirit world. Whatever bird speaks to your heart is the one you should personally focus on…. and that may not be a cardinal. Given the beautiful diversity of birds, there is a bird for every personality, no matter how eccentric you are 🙂
You may be attracted to the active energy of diving terns. Others may be drawn to the quiet energy of little brown birds feeding on the forest floor. A woodpecker’s drum may echo in your heart, while others may feel the cry of the eerie owl in the middle of the night. Communicating with the spirit world is a unique experience for everyone. You just have to allow yourself to open up and find your own path and your own bird messenger.
Final thoughts
Being one with nature is an integral part of being spiritually attuned. However, during the Corona crisis it can be more difficult to get out into nature, especially if you live in an urban area. Fortunately, it is quite easy to attract birds to your garden, patio or balcony by hanging bird feeders. If you like to meditate, or just enjoy serene contemplative time, the spirits can send you messages as the birds come and go from your feeder(s). Water baths can also attract birds to you.
Each person has a certain kind of bird that speaks more deeply to their spiritual soul. If you want to attract a specific type of bird, the type of birdseed you scatter can help. Cardinals love black oil sunflower seeds. Jays love peanuts. Brightly colored warblers are attracted to fruits placed on simple bird trays. Niger seeds (thistle) will attract goldfinches, nuthatches and tits. You can also put out sugar water for those cheerful hummingbirds.
If crows are calling your spirit, try placing small shiny objects near your feeder(s), perhaps an item that belonged to a deceased loved one you want to communicate with. Crows and other corvids such as ravens are very smart creatures and they will find a way to convey your messages.