I hope you all had a magical holiday and are ready to merge with the new Universal frequency of the number seven for 2023. We have undergone several cosmic upgrades since the first opening of the Stargate on November 11th.e and they have all led us to a new vibration, a new year and a new beginning.
As a numerologist, I see numbers in everything and appreciate the strategic placement of cosmic energy throughout our calendar year. I love the spiritual evolution that has taken place on our planet and in the collective consciousness and I hope this article gives you the opportunity to see your life as a miracle in motion.
Hello and welcome, I’m Sara Bachmeier, the author of Egyptian numerology; Emergence in the fifth dimension and the path of a wounded healer; Liberation is for asking.
Universal energy
We have evolved into the seven energies since the fall equinox in September. But it is not until January that we notice and receive the manifestation of our conscious and unconscious intentions. We don’t just go to sleep on the eve of December 31st and awaken in a new universal energy. You would feel its subtle presence growing like a seed planted in the ground. It takes time to work its way through the dirt and reach full maturity. And the same goes for Universal numerical energy and your Personal year numerical vibration. I notice that the energy shifts with the seasons, allowing us to experience the impact on a deeper and healthier level.
If you are sensitive to energy, you would have felt this new frequency with the changing of the seasons in September and you would have felt a subtle but final transition long before you settled into the impact of a new vibrant Universal birth.
Universal energy, like the seasons, affects all of us. It is the collective force that engulfs the entire planet. Although we individually deal with this force differently, we will all be affected by its influence.
We come from a six universal energy that focused on relationships, including family, friends and loved ones. We focused on self-love as the bridge to all successful relationships.
This is not a selfish act; it was really about integrating the truth…. that without self-love we are bankrupt and don’t have much to give to others, and if we were without self-love…then it had the potential of expectations, and it could be secretly co-dependent and manipulative.
Depending on the lessons you learned and the actions you had to take, the sixth universal year was a much needed stepping stone into the energy we are now in.
Universal number 7
So what does the number seven represent and how can we flow gracefully into its meaning as we journey on our spiritual path?
The archetype for the number seven is the mystic and the seeker. In a Universal year, it symbolizes inner wisdom, self-awareness, contemplation, intuition and mystical insights. It is an esoteric energy that seeks out the golden mysteries of life.
It has a strong intellectual nature, but is divinely driven by an intuitive impulse. It is heavily influenced by nature’s intelligent web as it unfolds and requires a grounding force when wrapped in the resilience of mystical science.
The number seven finds symmetry within both, the genius and the empath. It beckons us not only to balance our intellect with our intuition, but also to find ways to integrate them both into our spiritual practice.
This is not the year for big production, promotion or socializing. It is a time for inner contemplation and self-reflection. It may be that you are not so much driven to achieve worldly success as you are longing to find peace and balance within. When you work progressively with the Universal energy number seven, you will want to put drama, business progress and plans to make money on the back burner.
Your Personal annual energy has a major influence on the direction you take this year, but the Universal energy and power will overarch your personal theme and show you how best to achieve your dreams and goals.
The number seven is a spiritual number and a good way to harness the auspicious power of our number seven is to integrate your spirituality into every area of your life. To do this, imagine your life as a big colorful wheel or a mandala. This mandala symbolizes your fruitful life.
Now break this beautiful mandala into 7 equal parts.
To discover the sacred mysteries of your soul, break this beautiful mandal into seven equal parts. Each part represents a compartment of your life, such as family, work, play, health, relationships, hobbies or passion, and your spiritual practice.
Each section requires equal value and importance.
As you examine each of these areas of your life, take a good look at them to make sure you give each aspect equal attention, nurturing, and care. If you do this consciously, your life will flourish and grow.
If one or more areas are out of balance, make sure to correct that structure to create a natural balance.
So often we feel like we’re missing something, but don’t know what it is. This process allows you to discover how you currently operate in the diverse nature of your life.
During this year, explore and open up every area of your life in terms of meaning. See how all the parts work together to form the big picture.
Interestingly, the number seven is the first cycle number in numerology that symbolizes the first seven years of our lives. The reason why this is interesting is because most of your beliefs, behaviors and spiritual values are formed in these specific years. So as you explore the seven areas of your life, you will see that if anything needs to be changed or healed, you can find the origin somewhere in this timeline and use your self-reflection to correct it.
Egyptian numerology
You can order the prescription Egyptian Book of the Dead as a great motivator for this year…
“In order for the teachings of mystical spirituality to become a reality in your life, you must make them the central force in your life. You must center your life around them and infuse them into every aspect of your life.’
So, how do you center your life around the teachings of mystical spirituality and bring it into every aspect of our lives? The answer lies in the balance of these seven areas of our lives. Everyone is different and working with Egyptian Numerology I know that each individual is here for their own specific reasons, but one thing we can all agree on is the Universal Law of Balance.
I have a process I use to promote change and self-discovery and I will share it with you. Get out 3 pieces of blank paper, a ruler and a pencil with an eraser. On the first sheet of paper, make a grid of seven areas and at the top of each box, write the title of each area of your life. In the grid, write down the ways you currently support that area of your life. If there are items that no longer serve you, you can omit these examples and keep only the items that support you in the current time.
On the second sheet of paper is the same grid, but this time in that box, list things you would like to do or add to contribute to that area of life.
On the third and final grid view, combine #1 and #2 to design your new layout for life in 2023. Now the fun part is… disciplining yourself to follow your own guidelines.
Make it fun and attractive, not too difficult, but you want to challenge yourself at the same time.
For example, in the grid box titled Family…, I could list on the first sheet of paper everything I am currently doing in support of my contribution to those I love. This could be… I arrive on time for important events, I call once a week, I listen to their concerns, I am respectful by not gossiping.
On the second sheet of paper, I will list all the things I want to do that I am not currently doing to support my family. This could be… I will not allow my relatives, I will allow myself to receive instead of feeling like I always have to give, and I will invite them to special occasions once a year for a dinner.
On the third sheet of paper, I simply combine both lists that affirm my current involvement and the changes I will make in my life and theirs to create a more rewarding relationship between us all.
I know most of you have diligently healed many areas of your life and the last thing you want to do is more self realization… but the truth is that once you are on a spiritual path, the excavation process never ends. The best we can hope for are new and fun ways to dig deeper into our soul biology. Just by doing your own inner work, you are helping to raise the level of consciousness on our planet.
If Paramahansa Yogananda said, “Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world.”
Remember that your light does not come from your success and determination. Your light is not lit by perfection, achievement or body shape. Your light is not fueled by popularity or acceptance, nor is your light at any risk of being extinguished when other lights around you are bright.
Your light is simply made of your authentic nature, including the worries you have at night, the music that brings you joy, the books you read twice, the memories that are safely stored in your heart, the people you love. loves and the people who love you.
Your light never depends on how you look or how you perform. It’s simply brilliant and it will light up any room you enter whether you activate it or not. Your light casts no shadow, but burns bright through eternity.
Find spirituality in the everyday this year. Practice loving kindness with every breath and offer new and interesting ways to shine your light brightly and share it with others.
Egyptian Numerology offers a mentorship program that outlines your soul life contract to make it easier for you to understand your light, including your gifts, abilities, potential, your archetype and what you are here to do in this incarnation.
Knowing and putting into practice these numerical light code guidelines will make your life easier, not just on a day-to-day basis, but in the long run. It helps you make decisions based on your spiritual biology and it honors who you are now as an accumulation of all your lives together.
I will show you and work with you on how to align with your sacred covenant, the GPS of your soul and the North Star of your life… to make your dreams come true. Why is it so important to achieve and manifest your dreams?
Because deep down you know that you are here to deliver your unique magic. You are here to live big, even in small places. You know that nothing can stop the momentum of your self-imposed passions…they are important, they matter, and you come ever closer to realizing that by shining your light, you are encouraging others to do the same. You make a difference when you are brave enough to shout the truth and never cease to believe that you are invisible in creating and honoring your personal power.
You can learn more about Egyptian numerology on my website at www.egyptiannumerology.org
May the year 2023 be your best year ever and may you have the courage to receive the support you deserve. I send you all my blessings, Namaste, Sara