Are you ready for this week’s energy? It’s time to find out.
Here is your briefing. We will finally immerse ourselves in a dreamy fish season in the 18th, which immediately calls us ahead in a imaginative, emotional and whimsical energy for the near future.
Moreover, we have Mars in cancer that looks forward to directly! We finally say goodbye to that annoying Mars -Retograde on the 23rd, so that our week ends with some of the previous stagnation or frustration that it has caused us.
All in all it is quite exciting stuff! But before we are for ourselves, it is important to check in with the TarotThe expertise too. What do the cards have to say about this?
Read the weekly Tarotcope of your plate
The foolish
RamSomething new is brewing!
The fool brings you fresh starts and clean slates. This week it is about looking forward to the new … because you may have recently cleaned the old one.
This means keeping an open heart and open mind, staying optimistic and present, and not yet setting up on certain results or goals.
This week is a time to receive new things without judgment, because you may not know where they will eventually take you. For the time being, observe, experience and take everything with you.
2 of cups (vice versa)
BullHart-to-heart connection can be hard to find this week.
The 2 of the cups reverse gives you the heads-up that romance, friendships and even your emotional understanding of yourself Can all suddenly feel further, more complicated or foggy.
Although the times of decoupling are inevitable in life, that does not make them more fun or more bearable at the times when they occur.
However, this period can also be a powerful opportunity to think about these topics and to identify where they can use some work in your life for later improvement.
2 of pent branches
Twin Is finding balance … somehow!
The 2 of pentacles show that you are negotiating with your time, resources and abundance. You start plans and get an idea what works and what doesn’t.
This is a productive week before career, finances and the house, but it is also just a generally favorable card to get the most routines and lifestyle choices in order.
What item do you first check your task list, Gemini?
7 of cups (reversed)
CancerIncludence still chases you … but you are now trying to hit the door in his face.
The 7 of Cups reverse shows that you are striking the inner voice that you say to guess yourself. It is tempting to fall into the fall to reflect on the possibilities or to analyze your own intuition too much … especially for a sign that is so emotionally coordinated as cancer.
You naturally like to feel the possibilities!
But this reversal asks you not to overdo it, and not to overdo your interrogation and considering your interrogation, because it may not lead anywhere quickly.
Page of Cups (vice versa)
LeoLet’s slow things down, shall we?
The Pups Pups page indicates that you are all in your own feelings this week, and you may even try to get them frantically to get them in order, push yourself to land on intuitive answers and also practice creativity with ease.
In other words, you have suddenly put a lot on your own plate!
Although you have all the potential and the qualities that are needed to do these things possiblyAt the moment it may not be time to juggle so much heart -oriented energy in one go.
Virgin Has organization by their side … as usual.
But this week that is one special Strong tendency, since the orant structures, traditional systems, routines and authority figures in your life emphasize.
For some virgos you can fully control these things, exercise your own authority and act as a leader. For others you can currently just vibrate productively with this supporting energy in your life.
Anyway, make sure you use your knowledge and practical skills to your advantage here to your advantage. You have resources at your disposal, and people also listen to what you have to say now.
3 of heads
LibraLove is in the air … and it takes many forms!
The 3 of the cups brings affection, sweetness and creativity into your life. This is a positive omen for all relationships in your life, but especially friendships and blessed interactions in group institutions.
Moreover, this is a powerful map for libras who want to deepen their relationship with themselves, open their creative instincts or even go deeper into spiritual and artistic practices.
In general, there is a lot to love this week! And there is a lot of love coming Unpleasant You too.
The high priestess
Scorpio is known for their penetrating intuition and unknowable connection with the dark things in life … and this week is no exception to the rule.
The high priestess highlights your intuition and unseen knowledge. What a strong one do you have feeling About, even if you are unable to logically show the reason?
This week is usually all about trusting those internal instincts of you. For those who are more inclined in the direction of divine art, this can even be a strong push to practice some tarot themselves.
Read more: You have drawn the High Priestess card – what now?
8 of pentacles
After some setbacks and slowness, Archer Is finally back on a productive track.
After all, the 8 of Pentacles indicate that this week it is all about getting things done. More specifically, this is a positive momentum that is obtained in career, work, finances and the house.
If you have something that you want to organize, plan or want to put it in order … this is the time to do this.
Although this may not be a glamorous week of immediate reward or abundance, this is definitely the best step you can take for now in the direction of that direction!
Page of Wands
IbexAdventure awaits!
The page of Wands is a bustling, spontaneous and airy energy that brings a lot of adventure and obstinacy to your path.
For some Capricorns you embrace this energy at the moment and let this spontaneity lead your actions. For others you can simply be surrounded by whimsical personalities that encourage you to match their energy.
Anyway, you are currently called a more relaxed attitude to grab the light, foolishness and the good vibes of the moment.
5 of Wands (reversed)
AquariusChaos is in abundance … but you don’t have to participate.
The 5 of magic racks can be a grim appearance of conflict and uncomfortable chaos. This collision of personalities and large egos is currently all around you, because people show a small, competitive behavior.
However, the reversal suggests that you are very able to set strong boundaries, reject the drama and go on the way … with some effort of course.
It will not be easy, but you are called to close all this white noise and to concentrate on yourself for the time being, even if your energy is drawn to the messiness of others.
6 of the swords
FishIt is time to pack your bags and continue.
This is of course not as literal as it sounds. The 6 of Swords actually suggests that you are the meant to break the ties with something much deeper – perhaps a mentality, a relationship, an emotion or a goal.
Whatever it is, you probably have been feeling for a while that this is simply not suitable for you.
And it can be scary to continue to the unknown, not sure about what the cavity can leave that this will leave behind. But you have to trust the hands of the universe here … or at least trust yourself.
Your compound weekly spiritual means
Your tarotscope is a piece of the puzzle that can help you prepare you for the unpredictable times that are in the coming times.
However, there is more than just one piece that you can discover. For the full image, we recommend that you prepare with different tools and resources that will train your spiritual and practical perspective of this week’s energy!
This is what we recommend this week:
Recommended for you: Your monthly Tarotcope in February 2025